Rogow, Roberta
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1942- ) US librarian and author, contributor to Fanzines and Filk activities from around 1978. Her Saga of Halvar the Hireling sequence beginning with Murders in Manatas (coll of linked stories 2013), though couched in historical fantasy terms, is of some sf interest as an Alternate History narrative set in a version of Manhattan (see New York); Halvar the Hireling is a detective involved in complex crimes. Rogow is of direct sf interest for a extensive dictionary of Fan Language, Futurespeak: A Fan's Guide to the Language of Science Fiction (1991); a second edition would be welcome. [JC]
Roberta Winston Rogow
born 7 March 1942
works (selected)
Saga of Halvar the Hireling
- Murders in Manatas (Austin, Texas: Zumaya Otherworlds, 2013) [Saga of Halvar the Hireling: pb/William Neagle]
- Mayhem in Manatas (Austin, Texas: Zumaya Otherworlds, 2014) [Saga of Halvar the Hireling: pb/William Neagle]
- Mischief in Manatas (Austin, Texas: Zumaya Otherworlds, 2015) [Saga of Halvar the Hireling: pb/William Neagle]
- Menace in Manatas (Austin, Texas: Zumaya Otherworlds, 2016) [Saga of Halvar the Hireling: pb/William Neagle]
- Malice in Manatas (Austin, Texas: Zumaya Otherworlds, 2017) [Saga of Halvar the Hireling: pb/William Neagle]
- Madness in Manatas (Austin, Texas: Zumaya Otherworlds, 2013) [Saga of Halvar the Hireling: pb/William Neagle]
- Futurespeak: A Fan's Guide to the Language of Science Fiction (New York: Paragon House, 1991) [nonfiction: dictionary: hb/Richard Nebiolo]
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