Romans, R H
Entry updated 11 September 2023. Tagged: Author.

(? -? ) Astronomer and author, probably American, for the 1930s sf Pulp magazines, including "The Moon Conquerors" (Winter 1930 Science Wonder Quarterly), a Space Opera implausibly involving the Moon, though the tale is notable for the suggestion of an electromagnetic drive to launch a Spaceship to the Moon; its companion piece, "The War of the Planets" (Summer 1930 Wonder Stories Quarterly), is presented as the text of a work discovered on the Moon in the first novel describing the history of the solar system and how a Black race established 'human' life on Earth about 30,000 years ago in Africa. Only the first tale was included in The Moon Conquerors (anth circa 1943). [MA/JC]
R H Romans
- The Moon Conquerors (London: Gerald G Swan, circa 1943) [anth: Romans's story first appeared 1930 Science Wonder Quarterly (see Wonder Stories Quarterly): hb/after Jack Binder]
- The Moon Conquerors (Medford, Oregon: Armchair Fiction, 2022) [lead story from the above: illus/pb/Frank R Paul]
- The War of the Planets (Medford, Oregon: Armchair Fiction, 2023) [dos: first appeared Summer 1930 Wonder Stories Quarterly: pb/after Ed Valigursky]
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