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Rossow, William B

Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1947-    ) US climatologist with NASA and author, with Marjorie Bradley Kellogg (whom see for details) of the Lear's Daughters sequence of sf novels, which have much to do with violent spasms of weather on an Alien planet visited by inept human Scientists and less inept human planet-developers: rival AI Weather Control systems are found to be responsible for the upheavals. [JC]

William Brigance Rossow

born New York: 26 April 1947



Lear's Daughters

  • The Wave and the Flame (New York: New American Library/Signet Books, 1986) with Marjorie Bradley Kellogg [Lear's Daughters: pb/R Courtney]
  • Reign of Fire (New York: New American Library/Signet Books, 1986) with Marjorie Bradley Kellogg [Lear's Daughters: pb/R Courtney]
    • Lear's Daughters (New York: Science Fiction Book Club, 1987) with Marjorie Bradley Kellogg [omni of the above two: Lear's Daughters: hb/Ron Walotsky]
      • Lear's Daughters (New York: DAW Books, 2009) with Marjorie Bradley Kellogg [omni: rev of the above: Lear's Daughters: hb/Alan Brooks]


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