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Ruse, Gary Alan

Entry updated 15 April 2024. Tagged: Author.

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(1946-    ) US author who began publishing sf with "Nanda" in Analog for August 1972. Houndstooth (1975) features a spy Dog with a Computer implant that allows its human handlers to see through its eyes; A Game of Titans (1976), a Technothriller, hovers at the edge of the fantastic; The Gods of Cerus Major (1982), though perhaps somewhat mechanical in its ruthless piling-up of crises, demonstrates an intimate sense of genre device as the protagonist, on a test flight that goes wrong, encounters a variety of strangenesses on an unexplored planet. Morlac: The Quest of the Green Magician (1986) is fantasy. Death Hunt on a Dying Planet (1988), despite its inflamed title, rather soberly depicts the experiences of a woman who, awakened from Suspended Animation after 700 years, must make sense of a world whose cultures are in terminal dispute. [JC]

Gary Alan Ruse

born Miami, Florida: 24 August 1946



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