Scrap Book, The
Entry updated 2 April 2015. Tagged: Publication.
US Pulp magazine published monthly, March 1906 to January 1912, by the Frank A Munsey Corporation; edited by Perley Poore Sheehan. The Scrap Book was published in two separate sections from July 1907, the first containing articles, the second fiction. The second section became The Cavalier from September 1908, the first continuing as The Scrap Book, with some fiction content, until merging with The Cavalier to form The Cavalier Weekly.
The Scrap Book began as a reprint magazine, often featuring classic weird fiction such as Edgar Allan Poe's "A Descent into the Maelström" (May 1841 Graham's Lady's and Gentleman's Magazine). Later it published original stories, including some sf, notably "The Bath of Light" (April 1907) by Burke Jenkins, in which an individual's inner vitality is transferred to another, Julian Johnson's "When Science Warred" (November 1907), George Allan England's "The House of Transformation" (September-November 1909) (see Apes as Human) and Garrett P Serviss's "The Sky Pirate" (April-September 1909). [JE]
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