Secombe, Andy
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author, Film.
Working name of Welsh voice actor, actor and author Andrew Secombe (1953- ), son of the singer and comedian Harry Secombe (1921-2001) of Goon Show fame (see Spike Milligan); as a voice actor, he may be best known for voicing Watto in the three Star Wars prequel films. Most of his fiction reads, at least initially, as fantasy, including the Limbo series beginning with Limbo (2003); but though the eponymous Underworld is couched in fantasy terms, those plot sequences set in a contemporary UK spoof Space Opera and other sf topoi, with Time Loops and Time Paradoxes increasing the chaos of the world, so far as Secombe is able to spoof this sort of material without undue incoherence. His singletons, which evoke elements from the Limbo books, include The Last House in the Galaxy (2005), with a return of the irritable galactic garbage-collectors known as the Gologons, and so forth; Endgame (2008) more pointedly focuses on a wager between God and the Devil as to whether or not Homo sapiens will self-destruct; and Looking for Mr Piggy-Wig (2008), though jokes are told, even more seriously presents a Near Future Britain beset by global warming (see Climate Change), while a noirish detective uncovers a conspiracy. [JC]
Andrew Secombe
born Mumbles, South Wales: 26 April 1953
- Limbo (London: Tor UK, 2003) [Limbo: pb/Steve Stone]
- Limbo II: The Final Chapter (London: Tor UK, 2004) [Limbo: pb/Steve Stone]
individual titles
- The Last House in the Galaxy (London: Tor UK, 2005) [pb/Larry Rostant]
- Endgame (London: Pan Macmillan/Tor, 2006) [pb/]
- Looking for Mr Piggy-Wig (London: Pan Macmillan/Tor, 2008) [pb/]
- A Hazardous Engagement (Alconbury Weston, Cambridgeshire: NewCon Press, 2019) [chap: in the publisher's NewCon Press Novellas series: hb/Duncan Kay]
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