Shelton, Frederick William
Entry updated 23 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1814/1815-1881) US minister and author whose first book, The Trollopiad; Or, Travelling Gentleman in America (1837) as by Nil Admirari, Esq, is an essentially nonfantastic verse Satire on Frances Trollope (1780-1863). Of very moderate sf interest is Salander and the Dragon: A Romance of the Hartz Prison (1850), a Lost Race tale unduly reminiscent of John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress (1678). Crystalline; Or, the Heiress of Fall Down Castle (1854) is a fairy tale with mildly Gothic trimmings, involving a Magic ring. [JC]
Frederick William Shelton
born Jamaica, Long Island [now New York]: 1814 [1815 has also been given]
died Carthage Landing, New York: 20 June 1881
works (selected)
- The Trollopiad; Or, Travelling Gentleman in America (New York: C Shepard, 1837) as by Nil Admirari, Esq [poem: binding unknown/]
- Salander and the Dragon: A Romance of the Hartz Prison (New York: Samuel Hueston, G P Putnam, 1850) [hb/nonpictorial]
- Crystalline; Or, the Heiress of Fall Down Castle (New York: Scribner, 1854) [hb/]
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