Silbersack, John
Entry updated 7 August 2023. Tagged: Author, Editor.

(1954- ) US editor, agent and author, active as an editor with Putnam/Berkley books 1977-1981, with New American Library 1986-1992, with Warner Books in 1992, and with Harper Collins 1993-1999; he joined Trident Media Group in 2001 as a senior agent. Throughout his career he has been noted for a swift and canny knowledgeability about the sf world. With Victoria Schochet he edited the first four volumes of the Berkley Showcase: New Writings in Science Fiction and Fantasy anthology series (#1 and #2 1980; #3 and #4 1981) (see The Berkley Showcase for further details); he also edited Avram Davidson's Collected Fantasies (coll 1982). His own writing has been, by comparison, peripheral, consisting of an anonymous sf spoof, Science Fiction (1981 chap) in the No Frills sequence of spoofs, in this case spoofing a very wide range of sf Clichés, and Rogers' Rangers (1983), a Buck Rogers in the 25th Century tie. [JC]
John Walter Silbersack
born New York: 8 December 1954
- Science Fiction (New York: Jove Books, 1981) anonymous [No Frills: pb/nonpictorial]
- Rogers' Rangers (New York: Ace Books, 1983) [tie to the Buck Rogers in the 25th Century universe: pb/Jordi Penalva]
works as editor
The Berkley Showcase
- The Berkley Showcase: New Writings in Science Fiction and Fantasy, Vol. 1 (New York: Berkley Books, 1980) with Victoria Schochet [anth: Berkley Showcase: pb/J Bea Font]
- The Berkley Showcase: New Writings in Science Fiction and Fantasy, Vol. 2 (New York: Berkley Books, 1980) with Victoria Schochet [anth: Berkley Showcase: pb/Richard Courtney]
- The Berkley Showcase: Vol. 3 (New York: Berkley Books, 1981) with Victoria Schochet [anth: the usual subtitle appeared on the cover but not the title page: Berkley Showcase: pb/Richard Courtney]
- The Berkley Showcase: New Writings in Science Fiction and Fantasy, Vol. 4 (New York: Berkley Books, 1981) with Victoria Schochet [anth: Berkley Showcase: pb/Richard Courtney]
individual titles
- Avram Davidson: Collected Fantasies (New York: Berkley Publishing Corporation, 1982) [coll: Avram Davidson: pb/]
- The Magic of Christmas: Holiday Stories of Fantasy and Science Fiction (New York: Roc, 1992) with Christopher Schelling [anth: pb/]
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