Smith, Cordelia Titcomb
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Editor.

(1902-1994) US librarian and editor of Great Science Fiction Stories (anth 1964), reprinting material ranging from Jules Verne and H G Wells to late-1950s Genre SF. This, to an effect of some bibliographic confusion, was reissued as The Best of Sci-Fi 3 (anth 1964) – as though it were part of the retitled and bizarrely renumbered UK sequence of Judith Merril's US-published "year's best" Anthologies. [DRL]
Cordelia Meda Titcomb Smith
born Bath, Maine: 6 November 1902
died Richland, Ohio: 11 December 1994
works as editor
- Great Science Fiction Stories (New York: Dell, 1964) [anth: pb/Richard Powers]
- The Best of Sci-Fi 3 (London: Mayflower, 1964) [anth: vt of the above with identical cover art and similar design: pb/Richard Powers]
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