Smith, Mary C
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(? - ) US-born author, resident in Nigeria, whose sf novel, The Undesirables (1998), is set in an ostensible distant Near Future plebiscitary democracy which – along lines soon to become almost mandatory in the sf literature – turns out to be a Dystopia whose undesirables, defined on Eugenic lines, live in Keep-like ghettos. When the protagonist falls in love with an undesirable, the secret services have her raped and eventually injected with a fatal Drug. In revenge, he becomes adept at political manoeuvring (see Politics), and begins a movement to reform society. Smith does not treat his success as pre-ordained. [JC]
Mary C Smith
- The Undesirables (Seattle, Washington: Black Heron Press, 1998) [hb/Cami Lemke]
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