Strange Plasma
Entry updated 19 February 2024. Tagged: Publication.
US Semiprozine, letter-size, published by Edgewood Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and edited by Steve Pasechnick. Intended to be quarterly the magazine ran for eight occasional issues, once or twice a year between Summer 1989 and Winter 1994, Pasechnick openly admitting that producing a Small Press magazine was "far more difficult" than he had imagined. Subtitled "speculative + imaginative fiction", Strange Plasma was too irregular to be influential, but held high standards and was one of those indefinable magazines that, by their very existence, delineate the boundaries of science fiction and the fantastic. It published good stories by A A Attanasio, Terry Dowling, Carol Emshwiller, Greg Egan, Garry Kilworth, R A Lafferty, Paul Park, Charles Stross, Cherry Wilder, Gene Wolfe and others. It featured an interesting column of opinion by Gwyneth Jones and ran a number of Interviews. Pasechnik announced in advance that issue #8 (cover by Ian Miller) would be the final issue because it proved too expensive to produce. Pasechnik would return ten years later with the equally irregular but even better Alchemy. [MA/PN]
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