Stuff, The
Entry updated 16 February 2017. Tagged: Film.
Film (1985). Larco/New World. Produced by (with Peter Sabiston) and directed by Larry Cohen. Written by Cohen. Cast includes Andrea Marcovicci, Michael Moriarty, Garrett Morris and Patrick O'Neal. 87 minutes. Colour.
The Stuff is an addictive, gooey fast food which, though passive, is in all other respects a traditional Monster; this Monster Movie is, in the Cohen manner, an atypical one. The baleful Stuff, originally found in a hole in the ground, takes over its victims when they eat it, sometimes rendering them homicidal. Moriarty plays with verve the industrial spy hired by other food manufacturers to get the truth about this new commercial success, and a Satire ensues on corporate and individual greed, private right-wing armies, conformity and the nuclear family. This is a silly, not very well organized film that occasionally surprises with moments of truth and even of real Horror. [PN]
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