Sweeney-Baird, Christina
Entry updated 31 October 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1993- ) UK lawyer and author whose first novel, The End of Men (2021), is set in Near Future Britain devastated by a savage Pandemic which has proved fatal to almost all males, a familiar topos examined previously in such works as Brian W Aldiss's Greybeard (1964), P D James's The Children of Men (1992) and Lauren Beukes's Afterland (2020). Here a sense that the pandemic becomes terrifyingly normalized marks Sweeney-Baird's sensitivity to anxieties typical of the first decades of the twenty-first century. After a decade of continuing stress, some genuine if gingerly accommodations have evolved. [JC]
Christina Sweeney-Baird
born London: 1993
- The End of Men (London: Borough, 2021) [hb/]
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