Tofte, Arthur R
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1902-1980) US author who enjoyed two widely separated careers as a published author, the first beginning with his first story, "The Meteor Monsters" for Amazing in August 1938, when as a member of the Milwaukee Fictioneers – which was focused on the memory and example of Stanley G Weinbaum – he was briefly interested in sf. Between 1938 and his retirement in 1969 he was a business executive. In the 1970s, encouraged by Roger Elwood, he began publishing stories again. Crash Landing on Iduna (1975) and Walls Within Walls (1975), a Post-Holocaust tale with Mutants in conflict, are unremarkable but mildly spirited. The Day the Earth Stood Still (1976) and Survival Planet (1977) are juveniles. The Ghost Hunters (dated 1978 but 1979) is an occult tale. [JC]
Arthur Reginald Tofte
born Cook County, Illinois: 8 June 1902
died Wauwatosa, Milwaukee, Wisconsin: 21 May 1980
- Crash Landing on Iduna (Toronto, Ontario: Laser Books, 1975) [pb/Kelly Freas]
- Walls Within Walls (Toronto, Ontario: Laser Books, 1975) [pb/Kelly Freas]
- The Day the Earth Stood Still (New York: Scholastic, 1976) [pb/]
- Survival Planet: A Novel of the Future (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1977) [hb/Don Carroll]
- The Ghost Hunters (Canoga Park, California: Major Books, 1979) [dated 1978 but 1979: pb/]
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