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Toynbee, Polly

Entry updated 6 May 2024. Tagged: Author.

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(1946-    ) UK journalist and author; she is of the fourth generation of Toynbees to be involved in literature. Leftovers (1966) depicts with feeble verve the mixed destinies of a group of youths in a deserted London, survivors of an obscurely described poisonous gas (see Poison) (or possibly a neutron bomb) which has destroyed the rest of humanity. There are some moments with some Satirical impact abstractly conveyed in the manner of the Mainstream Writer of SF.

Mainly as an investigative journalist, Toynbee's subsequent career has been distinguished. [JC]

Mary Louisa Toynbee

born Yafford, Isle of Wight: 27 December 1946

works (selected)

  • Leftovers (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1966) [hb/Stephen Dwoskin]


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