Trutz-Baumwoll, J M
Entry updated 31 August 2018. Tagged: Author.
Pseudonym of the unidentified author (? -? ) of "Sendschreiben des deutsch-englischen Zukunfspolitiker" (1871 Außerordentliche Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung; trans anon as Forewarned! Forearmed!: The Suggested Invasion of England by the Germans 1871 chap), which takes the Battle of Dorking as a model for the real Invasion of England, an event that (at least as far as the title of the English translation goes) must be prevented. [JC]
"John Michal Trutz-Baumwoll"
- "Sendschreiben des deutsch-englischen Zukunfspolitiker" (1871 Außerordentliche Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung: Berlin) [binding unknown/]
- Forewarned! Forearmed!: The Suggested Invasion of England by the Germans (London: Houlston & Sons, 1871) [chap: anonymous trans of the above: pb/nonpictorial]
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