Tunney, Stephen
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1959- ) US musician, artist and author; as a musician he performs under the name Dogbowl with the group King Missile, and as an artist he has exhibited since 1991. His first novel, Flan (1992), is a Fantastic Voyage tale set in a vividly visualized burning America (see Holocaust); in his second novel, the Young Adult One Hundred Per Cent Lunar Boy (2010), the young protagonist, native of a Terraformed Moon, becomes embroiled in various adventures due to his Mutant ability to see a fourth primary colour. [JC]
Stephen Tunney
born New York: December 1959
- Flan (New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 1992) [pb/]
- One Hundred Per Cent Lunar Boy (San Francisco, California: MacAdam / Cage Publishing, 2010) [hb/]
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