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Van Hise, Della

Entry updated 13 January 2025. Tagged: Author.

(1955-2021) US poet and author who caused some controversy with her first and only Star Trek novel, Star Trek #24: Killing Time (1985; rev with expurgations 1987), her initial version reflecting elements of slash fiction (see Fan Language) through an implied sexual relationship between Captain Kirk and Mr Spock. Her later work in general emplaces romantic themes into fantasticated worlds, sometimes sf, though the first of these, Ragged Angels (1997; vt Sons of Neverland 2014), is a Vampire tale whose Immortal protagonist addresses in mystical terms the contemporary world. Coyote (2013) is a Young Adult tale whose female protagonist escapes persecution by fleeing to a Parallel World; No Forwarding Address (2014), set in the moderately distant Near Future, carries its protagonist to the Moon and beyond in a search for meaning. [JC]

Della Van Hise

born Tampa, Florida: 8 May 1955

died 3 March 2021

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