Van Rjndt, Philippe
Entry updated 31 July 2023. Tagged: Author.
Pseudonym of Canadian author Oleg Michaelchuk (1950- ), who also writes as by Philip Michaels. He is of sf interest for The Trial of Adolf Hitler (1978), an Alternate History tale with Hitler Wins implications, in which Hitler, who had escaped death in World War Two, is brought to trial a quarter of a century later, and reawakens all the old vileness. In Samaritan (1984), a Technothriller, an underlying concern of the previous tale is articulated through a USSR plot to finish exterminating the Jewish population of Europe and Asia, after the failure of the Germans to accomplish this task. [JC]
Oleg Michaelchuk
born Montreal: 1950
works (selected)
- The Trial of Adolf Hitler (Toronto, Ontario: Lester and Orpen Dennys, 1978) [hb/]
- Samaritan (Toronto, Ontario: Lester and Orpen Dennys, 1984) [hb/]
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