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Vint, Sherryl

Entry updated 17 June 2024. Tagged: Author, Critic, Editor.

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(1969-    ) US academic and critic, currently Professor of Science Fiction Media Studies in the English department of the University of California, Riverside, who began to publish nonfiction of genre interest with "Both/And: Science Fiction and the Question of Changing Gender" (18 February 2002 Strange Horizons). Her first book-length critical study of the genre was Bodies of Tomorrow: Technology, Subjectivity, Science Fiction (2007); further solo titles are Animal Alterity: Science Fiction and the Question of the Animal (2010) and Science Fiction: A Guide for the Perplexed (2014). For collaborative and edited or co-edited works, including Fifty Key Figures in Science Fiction (anth 2009) with Mark Bould, Andrew M Butler and Adam Roberts, see Checklist below. Vint was on the editorial board of Extrapolation 2009-2010 and is a current editor of Science Fiction Studies and Science Fiction Film & Television, which she founded with her frequent collaborator Mark Bould. She received the SFRA Award for Lifetime Contributions to SF Scholarship (formerly the Pilgrim Award) in 2020. [DRL]

see also: Thomas D Clareson Award.

Sherryl Vint

born 1969



works as editor


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