Void Science Fiction and Fantasy
Entry updated 21 August 2012. Tagged: Publication.
Australian Digest-size, saddle-stapled Semiprozine, five issues 1975-1977, thereafter continuing until 1981 as a series, four books, three numbers per book, which effectively constituted an original-anthology series; published by Void Publications, Melbourne; edited by Paul Collins. At a time when Australian sf had few local outlets, Void was a brave venture, though in appearance it could be described, in its first incarnation, as an Amateur Magazine with an overcrowded layout on cheap paper. It contained some original and reprint work from the US, but was primarily a platform for such Australian sf writers as A Bertram Chandler, David J Lake and Jack Wodhams. Void was dated by year only, and only one issue (#2) was numbered. #6-#8 were published in book form as an original anthology, Envisaged Worlds (anth 1977), #9-#11 as Other Worlds (anth 1978), #12-#14 as Alien Worlds (anth 1979) and #15-#17 as Distant Worlds (anth 1981). A further anthology, Frontier Worlds (anth 1983) was offered to subscribers in lieu of #18. [PN]
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