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Entry updated 18 June 2021. Tagged: Fan, Publication.

US Fanzine (1952-1985), edited from New York and Puerto Rico by Richard Bergeron. From undistinguished early issues, Warhoon became a large, attractive, duplicated fanzine containing careful and literate articles on sf and Fandom. John Baxter, James Blish and Robert A W Lowndes were among the regular sf columnists, and Terry Carr, Bob Shaw, Harry Warner Jr and Walt Willis were fan columnists. Occasional contributors included Robert Bloch, Harlan Ellison and Ted White. In 1980 (though dated 1978), ten years after #27, #28 was published; this was a 600+pp hardbound collection of the writings of Walt Willis since 1947. It was almost certainly the largest fanzine issue ever published, its size being the reason for the hiatus. There were three further issues to June 1985. In 1962 Warhoon won a Hugo as Best Fanzine. [PR/RH]

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