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Westall, William

Entry updated 1 December 2024. Tagged: Author.

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(1835-1903) UK author and journalist, resident for much of his life in Switzerland, where he served as foreign correspondent for The Times of London; he also travelled in South America and elsewhere. The explorer protagonist of The Phantom City: A Volcanic Romance (1886) travels by Balloon to a Lost-World race of Incans hidden in a Guatemalan volcano, where they maintain a pre-Conquest level of civilization. A Queer Race: The Story of a Strange People (1887) is set on an Island populated by a Lost Race of Elizabethan Englishmen who have undergone strange mutations in their pigmentation (see Mutants). Don or Devil? (21 July-1 December 1900 Pearson's Short Story Magazine; 1901) is another Lost World tale, set in the lost city of Manoa in Venezuela, where descendants of Elizabethan Englishmen breed with and combat natives. [JE/EFB/JC]

see also: Anthropology.

William Bury Westall

born White Ash, near Blackburn, Lancashire: 7 February 1835

died Heathfield, Sussex: 9 September 1903



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