White, Richard Grant
Entry updated 1 December 2024. Tagged: Author.

(1822-1885) US editor, journalist and author whose The Fall of Man; Or, the Loves of the Gorillas [for full title see Checklist below] (1871 chap) as by A Learned Gorilla is a Satire on the Darwinian theory of Evolution as developed earlier the same year in The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex (1871); Grant's comic Satire consists of a lecture given in Africa by a gorilla (see Apes as Human) to other apes, who become rather overexcited. [JC]
Richard Grant White
born New York: 23 May 1822
died New York: 8 April 1885
- The Fall of Man; Or, the Loves of the Gorillas: A Popular Scientific Lecture on the Darwinian Theory of Development by Sexual Selection (New York: G W Carleton and Company, 1871) as by A Learned Gorilla [chap: pb/]
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