Williams, J X
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author, House name.
A House Name used on more or less pornographic novels, several with sf content, published by Greenleaf Classics, a company owned by one-time sf editor William Hamling. Her (1967) – a spicy Parody of H Rider Haggard's She (October 1886-January 1887 The Graphic; cut 1886; full text 1887) – ESP Orgy (1968) – reportedly – and The Sex Pill (1968) are known to be by Andrew J Offutt. Other fantastic titles which appeared with this byline are by unidentified authors: Devil's Degradation (1966) and Witch in Heat (1967), the latter with cover though not title-page credit to Jordan James. In this encyclopedia, where these credits differ, that on the title page is normally regarded as more authoritative than that on the cover. [PN/DRL]
see also: Victor Jay.
"J X Williams"
works (selected)
- Devil's Degradation (San Diego, California: Corinth Evening Reader, 1966) [pb/]
- Her (San Diego, California: Corinth Publications, 1967) by Andrew J Offutt [pb/Darrel Millsap]
- Witch in Heat (San Diego, California: Corinth Publications, 1967) as by Jordan James [cover and title page differ, with J X Williams credited in the latter position: pb/]
- ESP Orgy (San Diego, California: Greenleaf Classics, 1968) by Andrew J Offutt [pb/Robert Bonfils]
- The Sex Pill (San Diego, California: Phenix Publishers/Pleasure Reader Books, 1968) by Andrew J Offutt [pb/Tomas Cannizarro]
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