Entry updated 18 June 2021. Tagged: Comics, Fan, Publication.
US Fanzine (1960-1963), edited from New York by Dick (Richard) Lupoff and Pat Lupoff. Ten issues at irregular intervals, dated 1960 to May 1963.
Large and attractively produced, with illustrations by Roy G Krenkel, Eddie Jones and others, Xero was particularly well known for its articles on Comics, notably the series All in Color for a Dime by Dick Lupoff, Jim Harmon, Ted White and others. Together with new pieces by Harlan Ellison and Ron Goulart, these articles were published as All in Color for a Dime (anth 1970), edited by Dick Lupoff and Don Thompson. Xero also contained material on sf and Fandom, contributors including James Blish, Lin Carter, Avram Davidson, Wilson Tucker and Walt Willis. Xero won the 1963 Hugo for Best Fanzine. The extensively illustrated The Best of XERO (anth 2004) edited by Pat and Dick Lupoff includes material by all these sf/fan contributors and others, in addition to selected Comics essays; there is a new introduction by Roger Ebert. [PR/RH/DRL]
further reading
- Dick (Richard) Lupoff and Don Thompson, editors. All in Color for a Dime (New York: Arlington House, 1970) [nonfiction: anth: hb/]
- Dick (Richard) Lupoff and Pat Lupoff, editors. The Best of XERO (San Francisco, California: Tachyon Publications, 2004) [nonfiction: anth: hb/Larry Ivie]
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