SF Encyclopedia Editorial Home
“SFE Facts” – 11 February 2025
2012 Hugo Award for Best Related Work
Presented to the SF Encyclopedia editors at Chicon 7, the 70th World Science Fiction Convention in Chicago, September 2012. (See the entry for Hugo.)
Hugo photograph used by kind permission of the trophy base designer Deb Kosiba and the official Hugo Awards site. Attached plaque below.
2012 European SF Society Award for Best Promoter (of the genre)
Presented at Kontakt (SFeraKon 34 and Eurocon), Zagreb, April 2012.
Photo by David Langford. Our thanks to Martin Hoare for accepting on behalf of the SFE editors.
2012 British SF Association Award for Best Nonfiction
Presented at Olympus 2012 (UK Eastercon), Heathrow, London, April 2012. (See the entry for British Science Fiction Association Award.)
Photo by David Langford. Yes, the trophy incorporates old paperbacks with bolts driven through them. Further award photos below all courtesy of Clare Coney, Jack Nicholls and Luke Nicholls.
1995 Eaton Grand Master Award
1994 Hugo Award for Best Non-Fiction
Presented at ConAdian, the 52nd World SF Convention in Winnipeg, Canada, September 1994.
Attached plaque below.
1994 BSFA Special Award
1994 Locus Award for Best Non-Fiction
1980 Hugo Award for Best Non-Fiction
Presented at Noreascon II, the 38th World SF Convention in Boston, August 1980.
Chris Moore's cover artwork for the 1993 UK hardback of the SF Encyclopedia, used at much reduced scale as a logo in the online edition.
A friend of the project asked for a downloadable image that could be printed out in poster or flyer form to promote the Encyclopedia. Judith Clute quickly produced the design below. Click on the image for a full-sized version. This may be freely printed and distributed with our blessing.
Thanks to Johan Anglemark of Kontrast 2012 for inspiring this.
The first UK edition: Granada, 1979.
Masthead | Introduction | Headwords | Themes | Headwords cut in 1993
The first US edition: Doubleday, 1979.
The second UK edition: Orbit, 1993.
Masthead | Introduction | Headwords | Corrections to print edition