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 David Britton. Baptised in the Blood of Millions: A Novel of Fucking Holocaust Terror (Manchester: Savoy Books, 2001)

 David Britton. Invictus Horror (Manchester: Savoy Books, 2013)

 David Britton. La Squab: The Black Rose of Auschwitz (Manchester: Savoy Books, 2012)

 David Britton. Lord Horror (Manchester: Savoy Books, 1989)

 David Britton, Harry Douthwaite and Kris Guidio. Lord Horror 3: Hard Core Horror 1: The Romance of Lord Horror and Jessie Matthews (Manchester: Savoy Books, 1990)

 David Britton, John Coulthart, Harry Douthwaite and Kris Guidio. Lord Horror 4: Hard Core Horror 2: Churchill's Tick-Tock Men (Manchester: Savoy Books, 1990)

 David Britton, John Coulthart and Kris Guidio. Lord Horror 5: Hard Core Horror 3: Horror Time for Hitler (Manchester: Savoy Books, 1990)

 David Britton and Kris Guidio. Lord Horror 6: Hard Core Horror 4: Entropy Going Down Slow (Manchester: Savoy Books, 1990)

 David Britton and John Coulthart. Lord Horror 7: Hard Core Horror 5: King Horror Zero (Manchester: Savoy Books, 1990)

 David Britton, Kris Guido and John Coulthart. Lord Horror 8: Reverbstorm 1: Our Lord of Fuck Off (Manchester: Savoy Books, 1994)

 David Britton and John Coulthart. Lord Horror 9: Reverbstorm 2: The Land of Love-It-To-Death (Manchester: Savoy Books, 1994)

 David Britton, Kris Guido and John Coulthart. Lord Horror 10: Reverbstorm 3: The Big Beat of Apes (Bo Diddley Meets William Hope Hodgson) (Manchester: Savoy Books, 1994)

 David Britton and John Coulthart. Lord Horror 11: Reverbstorm 4: The Auschwitz of Oz (Manchester: Savoy Books, 1995)

 David Britton and John Coulthart. Lord Horror 12: Reverbstorm 5: The Running Dogs of Anthony Powell (Manchester: Savoy Books, 1996)

 David Britton, Kris Guido and John Coulthart. Lord Horror 13: Reverbstorm 6: The Razor Kings on Mars (Manchester: Savoy Books, 1997)

 David Britton and John Coulthart. Lord Horror 14: Reverbstorm 7: Juden Wars l (Manchester: Savoy Books, 2000)

 David Britton and John Coulthart. Lord Horror: Reverbstorm (Manchester: Savoy Books, 2012)

 David Britton. Motherfuckers: The Auschwitz of Oz (Manchester: Savoy Books, 1996)

 David Britton. Old Death (Manchester, England: Savoy Books, 2022)

 David Britton. Razor King (Manchester: Savoy Books, 2017)

 David Britton and Michael Butterworth, editors. The Savoy Book (London: Savoy Books, 1978)

 David Britton and Michael Butterworth, editors. Savoy Dreams: The Secret Life of Savoy Books (Manchester: Savoy Books, 1984)

 James Cawthorn. The Stormbringer Sessions: Sketches For A Graphic Novel (London: Jayde Design, 2021)

 Michael Moorcock. The Dreaming City: A Sixtieth Anniversary Edition (London: Jayde Design, 2021)

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