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Dye, Charles

(1925-1960) US author who served in the US Air Force during World War Two and began publishing sf with "The Last Orbit" in Amazing for February 1950. He was active for less than half a decade, soon publishing his only sf novel, Prisoner in the Skull (1952), in which ordinary Homo sapiens and a form of Superman engage in thriller-like confrontations. After its US publication this novel was also serialized in New Worlds from December 1954 to February 1955.

He was married briefly (1950-1953) to Katherine MacLean, who wrote The Man Who Staked the Stars (July 1952 Planet Stories; 2010) and "Syndrome Johnny" (July 1951 Galaxy) under his name. The latter story contains an amazingly early account of a Genetic Engineering technique (gene splicing), in which a "piggyback" virus transports genetic material (a silicon-using gene) into human cells. [JC/DRL]

Charles Dudley Dye

born San Fernando, California: 12 October 1925

died circa 1960


collections and stories


Entry from The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2011-current) edited by John Clute and David Langford.
Accessed 05:26 am on 4 May 2024.