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Site updated on 25 July 2024
Sponsor of the day: The League of Fan Funds

Arthur C Clarke Award

This award has been given since 1987 for the best sf novel whose UK first edition was published during the previous calendar year, and consists of an inscribed bookend and a sum of money from a grant initially donated by Arthur C Clarke. In 2001 the prize money – until then a constant £1000 – was increased to £2001 as a gesture to 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968); it has since risen by ...

de Rouen, Reed R

(1917-1986) US actor, television scriptwriter and author, of half Native American (Oneida) extraction. He appeared in minor roles in various television series, including a 1966 Doctor Who episode, "A Holiday for the Doctor"; he scripted a 1963 episode of the Avengers, "Six Hands Across a Table"; his sf novel Split Image (1955) mixes Space Opera and speculation on Politics and ...

Drew, Wayland

(1932-1998) Canadian teacher and author, often on environment issues as they affect Canada and its indigenous peoples, who began publishing sf with The Wabeno Feast (1973), a complex tale about Holocaust and its roots, in which three narrative strands all tangibly cohere – the eighteenth-century journal of an early entrepreneur who confronts the heart of darkness in the pale wabeno (an Indian shaman), the canoe trip of a Canadian couple through ...

Cramer, Kathryn

(1962-    ) US critic and editor; daughter of John Cramer, married to David G Hartwell from 1997 until his death in 2016, who began publishing fiction of genre interest with "Forbidden Knowledge" in Mathenauts (anth 1987) edited by Rudy Rucker; she has been involved in various capacities with the ...

Roberts, Arthur

(?   -    ) UK author of several sf novels, all written in collaboration with John S Glasby (whom see) for Curtis Warren under that publisher's House Names Berl Cameron, Rand Le Page and Paul Lorraine. [DRL]

Langford, David

(1953-    ) UK author, critic, editor, publisher and sf fan, in the latter capacity recipient of 21 Hugo awards for fan writing – some of the best of his several hundred pieces are assembled as Let's Hear It for the Deaf Man (coll 1992 chap US; much exp vt The Silence of the Langford 1996; exp 2015 ebook) as Dave Langford, edited by Ben Yalow – plus five Best Fanzine Hugos ...

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