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Arnaud, G-J

Entry updated 28 October 2024. Tagged: Author.

Working name of French author Georges-Camille Arnaud (1928-2020) French author who rendered his name as G-J or Georges-Jean Arnaud for this fiction; prolific in various genres, with an estimated 200 thrillers published before he turned to sf, all seemingly nonfantastic. He turned mainly to sf beginning with Les Croisés de Mara ["The Crusaders of Mara"] (1971), his first Genre SF novel, which evolved into the Grande Séparation ["The Great Separation"] lost-colony series (see Colonization of Other Worlds). He is best known for the extremely long The Ice Company sequence, beginning with La Compagne des glaces (1980; trans Jean-Marc Lofficier and Randy Lofficier as The Ice Company 2010), the only volume to have been translated into English out of the sixty-two volumes of the initial series, plus many more in two subsequent series, the Glacier Chronicles (eleven volumes) and The New Ice Company (twenty-four volumes). The first and third series are set in a distant Near Future Ruined Earth, where a great Disaster – the explosion of the Moon – has significantly reduced the amount of energy available from the Sun, with the result that the planet has been covered in ice. Much of the action takes place Underground, in complex Dystopian Keeps dominated by a great network of railroads (see Transportation), clearly prefiguring the film Snowpiercer (2013) and providing it with some needed backstory. The Glacier Chronicles focuses on the immediate aftermath of the explosion of the Moon. The exceedingly complex narrative arc unpacks towards the revelation – as delivered via a sentient Starship in orbit – that colonists from Earth, on returning from the stars and discovering the disaster, had divided into two factions: one conspiring to retain the ice age (and their control over the benighted world); the other attempting to bring the light back, and freedom.

Georges-Jean Arnaud should not be confused with the author George Arnaud, pseudonym of Henri Girard (1917-1987). [JC]

Georges-Camille Arnaud

born Saint-Gilles-du-Gard, Camargue, France: July 1928

died Var department, France: 26 April 2020

works (selected)


The Great Separation

  • Les Croisés de Mara ["The Crusaders of Mara"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1971) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Great Separation: pb/Gaston De Sainte-Croix]
  • Les monarques de Bli ["The Monarchs of Bi"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1972) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Great Separation: pb/Gaston De Sainte-Croix]
  • Lazaret 3 (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1973) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Great Separation: pb/Gaston De Sainte-Croix]

The Ice Company

  • La Compagne des glaces (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1980) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Colin Hay]
    • The Ice Company (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2010) [trans by Jean-Marc Lofficier and Randy Lofficier of the above: Ice Company: pb/Jean-Ives Kervevan]
  • Le Sanctuaire des glaces ["The Ice Sanctuary"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1981) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Bob Layzell]
  • Le Peuple des glaces ["The Ice People "] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1981) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Colin Hay]
  • Les Chasseurs des glaces ["The Ice Hunters"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1981) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Tony Roberts]
    • La compagnie des glaces I ["The Ice Company I"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1996) [omni of the above four: Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • L'Enfant des glaces ["The Ice Child"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1981) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/George Smith]
  • Les Otages des glaces ["The Ice Hostages"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1982) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Terry Oakes]
  • Le Gnome Halluciné ["The Visionary Dwarf"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1982) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Peter Goodfellow]
  • La Compagne de la Banquise ["The Pacific Shelf Company"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1982) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Ian Craig]
    • La compagnie des glaces II ["The Ice Company I"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1997) [omni of the above four: Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Le Réseau de Patagonie ["The Patagonia Network"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1982) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Tim White]
  • Les Voiliers du Rail ["The Rail Sailboats"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1982) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Richard Clifton-Dey]
  • Les Fous du Soleil ["The Sun Fanatics"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1983) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Tim White]
  • Network-Cancer ["Cancer Network"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1983) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Tim White]
    • La compagnie des glaces III ["The Ice Company I"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1997) [omni of the above four: Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Station-Fantôme ["Ghost Station"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1983) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/John Harris]
  • Les Hommes-Jonas ["The Jonah Men"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1983) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Nick Bantock as Nick Fox]
  • Terminus Amertume ["Terminus Despair"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1983) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Terry Oakes]
  • Les Brûleurs de Banquise ["The Ice Melters"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1984) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Peter Elson]
    • La compagnie des glaces IV ["The Ice Company I"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1997) [omni of the above four: Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Le Gouffre aux Garous ["The Were-Pit"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1984) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Jim Burns]
  • Le Dirigeable Sacrilège ["The Sacrilegious Airship"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1984) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Tim White]
  • Liensun (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1984) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Peter Goodfellow]
  • Les Éboueurs de la Vie Éternelle ["The Dumpsters of Eternity"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1984) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Tony Roberts]
    • La compagnie des glaces V ["The Ice Company I"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1999) [omni of the above four: Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Les Trains Cimetières ["The Graveyard Trains"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1985) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Tim White]
  • Les fils de Lien Rages ["The Sons of Lien Rag"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1985) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Fred Gambino]
  • Voyageuse Yeuse ["Voyager Yeuse"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1985) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Angus McKie]
  • L'Ampoule de Cendres ["The Glass Urn"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1985) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Julek Heller]
    • La compagnie des glaces VI ["The Ice Company I"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1998) [omni of the above four: Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Sun Company (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1986) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Michael Embden]
  • Les Sibériens ["The Siberians"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1986) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Tim White]
  • Le Clochard Ferroviaire ["The Mysterious Hobo"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1986) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Tim White]
  • Les Wagons Mémoires ["The Memory Trains"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1986) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Tim White]
    • La compagnie des glaces VII ["The Ice Company I"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1998) [omni of the above four: Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Mausolée pour une Locomotive ["Tomb for a Locomotive"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1986) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/]
  • Dans le Ventre d'une Légende ["In the Belly of a Legend"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1986) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/John Harris]
  • Les Échafaudages d'Épouvante ["The Scaffolds of Fear"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1987) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/]
  • Les Montagnes Affamées ["The Hungry Mountains"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1987) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Tony Roberts]
  • La Prodigieuse Agonie ["The Prodigious Agony"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1987) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Tim White]
  • On m'appelait Lien Rag ["They Called Me Lien Rag"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1987) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Eric Seigaud]
  • Train Spécial Pénitentiare 34 ["Special Prison Train 34"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1987) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Eric Seigaud]
  • Les Hallucinés de la Voie Oblique ["The Madmen of the Oblique Way"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1987) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Ice Company: pb/Eric Seigaud]
  • La compagnie des glaces IX ["The Ice Company I"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1998) [omni of the above four: Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • L'Abominable Postulat ["The Abominable Verdict"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1988) [Ice Company: pb/Patrick Demuth]
  • Le Sang des Ragus ["The Blood of the Ragus"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1988) [Ice Company: pb/Patrick Demuth]
  • La Caste des Aiguilleurs ["The Dispatchers' Guild"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1988) [Ice Company: pb/Patrick Demuth]
  • Les Exilés du Ciel Croûteux ["Castaways of the Crusty Sky"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1988) [Ice Company: pb/Patrick Demuth]
  • Exode Barbare ["Savage Exodus"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1988) [Ice Company: pb/]
  • La Chair des Étoiles ["The Flesh of the Stars"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1988) [Ice Company: pb/Patrick Demuth]
  • Train Spécial Pénitentiare 34 ["Special Prison Train 34"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1988) [Ice Company: pb/]
  • L:'Aube Cruele d'un Temps Nouveau ["Bloody Dawn of the New Times"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1988) [Ice Company: pb/Patrick Demuth]
  • Les Canyons du Pacifique ["The Canyons of the Pacific"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1989) [Ice Company: pb/Patrick Demuth]
  • Les Vagabonds des Brumes ["Wanderers in the Mist"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1989) [Ice Company: pb/Patrick Demuth]
  • La Banquise Déchiquetée ["The Wrecked Ice Shelf"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1989) [Ice Company: pb/]
  • Soleil Blême ["Wan Sun"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1989) [Ice Company: pb/Patrick Demuth]
  • L'Huile des Morts ["The Oil of the Dead"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1989) [Ice Company: pb/Patrick Demuth]
  • Les Oubliés de Chimère ["The Forsaken of Chimera"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1989) [Ice Company: pb/]
  • Les Cargos-Dirigeables du Soleil ["Airship Freighters of the Sun"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1990) [Ice Company: pb/Patrick Demuth]
  • La Guilde des Sanguinaires ["The Bloody Guild"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1990) [Ice Company: pb/Patrick Demuth]
  • La Croix Pirate ["The Pirate Cross"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1990) [Ice Company: pb/Patrick Demuth]
  • Le Pays de Djoug ["The Land of Djoug"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1990) [Ice Company: pb/Patrick Demuth]
  • La Banquise de Bois ["The Wooden Ice Shelf"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1990) [Ice Company: pb/Patrick Demuth]
  • Iceberg-Ship (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1991) [Ice Company: pb/Patrick Demuth]
  • Lacustra City (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1991) [Ice Company: pb/]
  • L'Héritage du Bulb ["The Bulb's Inheritance"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1991) [Ice Company: pb/Patrick Demuth]
  • Les Millénaires Perdus ["The Lost Millennia"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1991) [Ice Company: pb/Patrick Demuth]
  • La Guerre du Peuple du Froid ["The War of the Ice People"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1991) [Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Les Tombeaux d l'Antarctique ["The Tombs of the Antarctic"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1992) [Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • La Charogne Céleste ["The Cosmic Remains"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1992) [Ice Company: pb/Patrick Demuth]
  • Il Était Une Fois La Compagnie Des Glaces ["Once Upon a Time: The Ice Company"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1992) [Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]

Glacier Chronicles

  • Les Rails d'incertitude ["The Rails of Uncertainty"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1996) [in the publisher's Anticipation series: Glacier Chronicles: pb/Jean-Yves Kervévan]
  • Les Illuminés ["The Illuminated"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1997) [in the publisher's SF Métal series: Glacier Chronicles: pb/Jean-Yves Kervévan]
  • Le Sang du Monde ["The Blood of the World"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1998) [in the publisher's SF Métal series: Glacier Chronicles: pb/Jean-Yves Kervévan]
  • Les Prédesinés ["The Predestined"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1999) [Glacier Chronicles: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Les Survivants Crépusculaires ["The Twilight Survivors"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1999) [Glacier Chronicles: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Sidéral Léviathan ["Sideral Leviathan"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1999) [Glacier Chronicles: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • L'Oeil Parasite ["The Parasitic Eye"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 1999) [Glacier Chronicles: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Planète Nomade ["Nomadic Planet"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2000) [Glacier Chronicles: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Roark (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2000) [Glacier Chronicles: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Les Baleines Solinas ["The Solinas Whales"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2000) [Glacier Chronicles: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • La Légende des Hommes-Jonas ["The Legend of the Jonah Men"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2001) [Glacier Chronicles: pb/]

The New Ice Company

  • La Ceinture de Feu ["The Fire Belt"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2001) [The New Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Le Chenal Noir ["The Dark Channel"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2001) [The New Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Le Reseau de l'Éternelle Nuit ["The Network of Eternal Night"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2001) [The New Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Les Hommes du Cauchemar ["The Nightmare Men"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2001) [The New Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Les Spectres de l'Altiplano ["The Ghosts of the Altiplano"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2001) [The New Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Les Momies du Massacre ["The Mummies from the Massacre"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2002) [The New Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • L'Ombre du Serpent Gris ["The Shadow of the Grey Snake"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2002) [The New Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Les Griffes de la Banquise ["The Claws of the Ice Shelf"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2002) [The New Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Les Forbans du Nord ["The Pirates of the North"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2002) [The New Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Les Icebergs Lunaires ["The Lunar Icebergs"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2002) [The New Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Le Sanctuaire de Légende ["The Legendary Sanctuary"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2002) [The New Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Les Mystères d'Altaï ["The Mysteries of Altaï"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2003) [The New Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • La Locomotive-Dieu ["The God-Locomotive"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2003) [The New Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Pari Cataclysme ["The Cataclysm Wager"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2003) [The New Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Movane la Chamane ["Movane the Shaman"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2003) [The New Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Channel Drake ["Drake Channel"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2003) [The New Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Le Sang des Aliens ["The Blood of Aliens"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2004) [The New Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Caste Barbare ["Barbarian Caste"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2004) [The New Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Parano River (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2004) [The New Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Indomptable Fleur ["Indomitable Flower"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2004) [The New Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Le Masque de l'Autre ["The Mask of the Other"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2005) [The New Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Passions rapaces ["Ravening Passions"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2005) [The New Ice Company: pb/]
  • L'irrévocable testament ["The Irrevocable Testament"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2006) [The New Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]
  • Ultime Mirage ["Last Mirage"] (Paris: Fleuve Noir, 2006) [The New Ice Company: pb/Philippe Jozelon]

about the author


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