Assael, Samuel
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Editor.
(1920-1998) UK publisher, senior partner at John Spencer and Co, best known for its Badger Books imprint. With his fellow-publisher Maurice Nahum, Assael edited the four 1950s Spencer magazines given separate entries in this encyclopedia: Futuristic Science Stories (1950-1954) under the pseudonym John S Manning; Tales of Tomorrow (1950-1954) uncredited – of which Nahum co-edited only the second issue; Wonders of the Spaceways (1950-1954) uncredited; and Worlds of Fantasy (1950-1954) uncredited. All were juvenile, undated and of poor quality. Assael and Nahum additionally co-edited the two issues of the weird-fiction digest Out of This World (1954-1955) and many issues of Badger's book-format Supernatural Stories (1955-1962), all under the John S Manning pseudonym.
In previous editions of this encyclopedia Assael's forename was given as Sol, which may have been a nickname; R L Fanthorpe invariably referred to him as Sol Assael, and to Maurice Nahum as Michael Nahum. [DRL/SH]
Samuel Assael
born London: 27 May 1920
died London: April 1998
previous versions of this entry