Futuristic Science Stories
Entry updated 8 March 2017. Tagged: Publication.
UK pocketbook-size magazine, published by John Spencer, London. Edited by John S Manning, a pseudonym of publishers Samuel Assael and Maurice Nahum. 16 issues, numbered, undated, 1950-1958; #1-#15 appeared 1950-1954; #16 did not appear until 1958.
Futuristic Science Stories was one of four almost identical low-quality sf magazines – all of minimal interest – published by Spencer in the 1950s; the others were Tales of Tomorrow, Wonders of the Spaceways and Worlds of Fantasy. Futuristic published some of the most dire of all British sf of the early 1950s, but it also published the first stories by Lan Wright and Lionel Fanthorpe, both in issue #6 (January 1952). The magazine attracts collectors chiefly because it is so awful. [FHP/DRL/MA]
see also: Badger Books.
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