Baker, Scott
Entry updated 4 November 2024. Tagged: Author.

(1947- ) US-born author, who spent much of his career in France; for most of that career he has written fantasy and horror, some of it with distinction; his only sf novel is his first book, Symbiote's Crown (1978), a slyly intelligent though uneasily metaphysical Space Opera involving intricate hegiras through Parallel Worlds. Its French edition won the 1982 Prix Apollo for best SF novel published in French. [JC]
Scott MacMartin Baker
born Oak Park, Illinois: 29 September 1947
Ashlu Cycle
- Firedance (New York: Tor, 1986) [Ashlu Cycle: pb/Boris Vallejo]
- Drink the Fire from the Flames (New York: Tor, 1987) [Ashlu Cycle: pb/Dennis Nolan]
individual titles
- Symbiote's Crown (New York: Berkley Books, 1978) [pb/Romas Kukalis]
- Nightchild (New York: Berkley Books, 1979) [hb/Dan Brown]
- Nightchild (New York: Pocket Books, 1983) [rev of the above: pb/Kevin Eugene Johnson]
- Dhampire (New York: Pocket Books, 1982) [pb/Kevin Eugene Johnson]
- Ancestral Hungers (New York: Tor, 1995) [rev vt of the above: hb/Thomas Snowdon/Romer]
- Webs (New York: Tor, 1989) [pb/Joe DeVito]
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