Barlow, James
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1921-1973) UK author, known mainly for such work outside the sf field as Term of Trial (1961). His sf novel proper, One Half of the World (1957), presents a UK ruled by a totalitarian leftist regime; the protagonist, finding God again (and love), conflicts with the powers-that-be, unsuccessfully. The right-wing approach of this book (see Politics) is typical of British Dystopian fiction in the 1950s. The Hour of Maximum Danger (1962), a political thriller hovering at the Near Future edge of sf, features an orbital Weapon whose complexity and accuracy are considerably in advance of 1960s technology. [JC]
James Henry Stanley Barlow
born Birmingham, England: 1 December 1921
died Ireland: 30 January 1973
- One Half of the World (London: Cassell, 1957) [hb/]
- The Hour of Maximum Danger (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1962) [hb/Val Biro]
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