Becker, Muriel R
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author, Critic.
(1924-2008) US academic, author and critic who also wrote as Muriel Becker and under her full name Muriel Rogow Becker; she began to publish work of genre interest with a review in Science Fiction & Fantasy Book Review for December 1979, continuing to criticize sf in this journal and its successor Fantasy Review until 1987. Her major contribution to genre scholarship is the Clifford D Simak study Clifford D. Simak: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography (1980), which includes a useful interview conducted by Becker: "Clifford D. Simak Interviewed", in which the author revealed that his early novel Empire: A Powerful Novel of Intrigue and Action in the Not-So-Distant Future (1951) had originally been written circa 1928 by John W Campbell Jr and rewritten 1939/1940 by Simak.
Becker was young adult fiction editor at SFRA Review (see SFRA Newsletter) 1990-1994 and was honoured with a Thomas D Clareson Award from the Science Fiction Research Association in 2005. [DRL]
Muriel Rogow Becker
born New York: 17 February 1924
died 15 February 2008
- Clifford D. Simak: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography (Boston, Massachusetts: G K Hall, 1980) [bibliography: in the publisher's Masters of Science Fiction and Fantasy series: hb/nonpictorial]
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