Boyes, Kate
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(? - ) US author whose first book, Paul McCartney (2003 chap), is a study of the singer-songwriter. She is of sf interest for her first novel, Trapped in the R.A.W. [for full title see Checklist] (2019), a Near Future narrative of its protagonist's survival in an archive library (see Keep) after an Alien Invasion has transformed the world outside; the text we are reading is presented, within an orthodox Ruins and Futurity frame, as having been retrieved decades later by a team exploring what is left of the library itself in a search for its author. "R.A.W." is an acronym of Kaylee Bearovna's description of the contents of the archive she services, which she thinks of as being raw and wonderful. She engages in contact with at least one alien. She leaves her journal and other documents behind when she leaves the library. Her fate is not known. [JC]
Kate Boyes
- Trapped in the R.A.W.: A Journal of My Experiences during the Great Invasion: By Kaylee Bearovna with an Afterword by Pearl Larken and Appendices Compiled by the "We Survived" Series Group (Seattle, Washington: Aqueduct Press, 2019) [pb/Kathryn Wilham]
- Paul McCartney (San Diego, California: Lucent Books, 2003) [nonfiction: chap: in the publisher's The Importance Of series: hb/]
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