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Bradley, Jack

Entry updated 13 January 2025. Tagged: Author.

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(?1903-1960) US author, mostly of detective fiction, who is of greatest sf interest for The Torch of Ra (1930 chap), a Near Future tale contributed to Hugo Gernsback's Science Fiction Series. In this story a terrorist organization attempts to destroy New York with a Ray that melts buildings. Bradley also appeared in Weird Tales and Planet Stories. [JC]

John Bradley

born Oklahoma: ?1903

died New York: 31 August 1960 [aged 57]


  • The Torch of Ra (New York: Stellar Publishing Corporation, 1930) [chap: in the publisher's Science Fiction Series: illus/Jno Rugier: pb/nonpictorial]
  • The Rhizoid Kill (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2020) [story: ebook: first appeared November 1952 Planet Stories: na/]


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