Burroughs, John Coleman
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Artist, Author, Comics.

(1913-1979) US illustrator and author, the younger son of Edgar Rice Burroughs and actively involved in his father's productions. He illustrated thirteen of Burroughs's titles, wrote a Big Little Book, John Carter of Mars (graph 1940), and subsequently drew the weekly newspaper Comic strip John Carter of Mars from December 1941 to its termination in 1943. This strip has been reproduced as John Carter of Mars (graph coll 1970). Burroughs's sf novel, Treasure of the Black Falcon (1967), features adventures Under the Sea in a submarine which descends into the ocean benthos, where Alien contact is made. [JC]
see also: Charles I Coombs.
John Coleman Burroughs
born Chicago, Illinois: 28 February 1913
died 22 February 1979
- John Carter of Mars (Racine, Wisconsin: Whitman Publishing Company, 1940) [in Big Little Book format: hb/John Coleman Burroughs]
- Treasure of the Black Falcon (New York: Ballantine Books, 1967) [pb/]
- David Innes of Pellucidar (Kansas City, Missouri: House of Greystoke, 1968) [coll: illustrating the work of Edgar Rice Burroughs: hb/John Coleman Burroughs]
collections and stories
- The Bottom of the World and Other Stories (Rialto, California: Fiction House Press, 2014) with Hulbert Burroughs and Jane Ralston Burroughs [coll: hb/Rudolph Belarski]
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