Carrère, Jean
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1865-1932) French journalist, poet and author, of some sf interest for a novel published at the end of his active career, La Fin d'Atlantis ou le grand soir ["The End of Atlantis or the Great Evening"] (1926; trans Brian Stableford as The End of Atlantis 2017). The novel is remarkable not for any originality concerning the collapse of the Empire of Atlantis into the sea, but for a sustained essayistic conflation of the fate of the great Island and the Decadence of the West after World War One. [JC]
Jean Carrère
born Gontaud-de-Nogaret, Aquitaine, France: 5 September 1865
died Nérac, Aquitaine, Fance: 5 October 1932
works (highly selected)
- La Fin d'Atlantis ou le grand soir ["The End of Atlantis or the Great Evening"] (Paris: Plon, Nourrit and Company, 1926) [binding unknown/]
- The End of Atlantis (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2017) [trans by Brian Stableford of the above: pb/Mike Hoffman]
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