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Stableford, Brian M

Entry updated 12 August 2024. Tagged: Author, Critic, Editor.

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(1948-2024) UK academic, critic, translator and author, with a degree in Biology and a doctorate in Sociology, which he taught 1977-1988 before turning to writing full-time. He began his writing career early, collaborating with a schoolfriend, Craig A Mackintosh (writing together as Brian Craig), on his first published story, "Beyond Time's Aegis" for Science Fantasy #78 in 1965; much expanded, it was eventually published in book form as Firefly: A Novel of the Far Future (1994), where the initial Dying Earth ambience is carried to its logical conclusion: everyone dies. Stableford soon dropped the Brian Craig pseudonym, using it again only in the late 1980s when he undertook to Sharecrop some Ties for a Game-World enterprise (see Games Workshop and listing below). His first novel, Cradle of the Sun (1969 dos), a quest story set in the Far Future, is notable for its colourful imagery; The Blind Worm (1970 dos), hastily written, is in the same vein. In these early works, and in most of his subsequent sf novels, Stableford put his knowledge of biology to good use, constructing a long series of outrageous but plausible Ecologies whose intricacy sometimes overwhelmed the Space-Opera formats to which he generally adhered over the first fifteen years of his career, even those tales placed in the relatively stable frame of the Planetary Romance. This lack of fit between daring and sometimes arduous speculation, often governed through extrapolations based on the theory of Evolution, marked his career throughout; at its least effective, the attempted marriage of Genre SF idioms and the Scientific Romance tended to generate a sense of barely concealed impatience with the former.

The early Dies Irae trilogy – The Days of Glory (1971), In the Kingdom of the Beasts (1971) and Day of Wrath (1971) – mixed these usual space-opera trappings with Sword and Sorcery. Based on Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, the trilogy was dismissed as cynical hackwork (not least by Stableford himself); although the narrative has verve, it clearly does not attempt to pay due homage to its source. To Challenge Chaos (1972), the last example of his juvenilia, is an overextravagant adventure set on the chaotic hemisphere of a planet that intersects another Dimension; short stories associated with this novel are "The Sun's Tears" (October 1974 Amazing), "An Offer of Oblivion" (December 1974 Amazing) and "Captain Fagan Died Alone" (in The DAW Science Fiction Reader, anth 1976, ed Donald A Wollheim).

It was with the Grainger or Hooded Swan series – The Halcyon Drift (1972), Rhapsody in Black (1973; rev 1975), Promised Land (1974), The Paradise Game (1974), The Fenris Device (1974) and Swan Song (1975) – that Stableford began to attract serious notice in America, where his early work was all first published, being marketed there as adventure sf. The Grainger novels – first-person narratives in a Chandleresque style – concern picaresque adventures of the pilot, a hired mercenary taking a Faster-than-Light Spaceship, the Hooded Swan, to a variety of planetary and other destinations. In the first tale Grainger, marooned on a remote world, becomes host to a mind parasite (see Parasitism and Symbiosis), a benign entity which occasionally takes over his body and drives it to feats of endurance. In later books the increasingly disillusioned, sardonic, pacific Grainger penetrates further biological mysteries, but the series itself holds back from fully articulating the subversiveness of his behaviour, and there is little sense of accumulating burden. A second series – the Daedalus Mission books, comprising The Florians (1976), Critical Threshold (1977), Wildeblood's Empire (1977), The City of the Sun (1978), Balance of Power (1979) and The Paradox of the Sets (1979) – recounts to similar effect the various experiences of the crew of the spaceship Daedalus, which has been sent out to recontact lost Earth colonies after the Interregnum period frequently found at the heart of the dominant form of American Future History from the 1940s on.

Most of Stableford's early novels were members of such series, but Man in a Cage (1975), an unformulaic singleton, deals with the Psychology of social adaptation as dramatized through a schizophrenic narrator selected to participate in a space-project where "sane" men have already proved inadequate. A powerfully written but difficult novel, it is slightly reminiscent of the best work of Robert Silverberg and Barry N Malzberg. The Mind-Riders (1976), perhaps somewhat more conventional, is narrated by a cynical boxer who performs via an electronic simulation device while the audience "plugs in" to his emotions. Like Grainger's wonderful spaceship, and like the false personality which "cages" the hero of Man in a Cage, the simulator is an armour surrounding the self (see Mecha), enabling the protagonist to survive in a hostile world. The Face of Heaven (1976) – the first part of a trilogy published in one volume as The Realms of Tartarus (1977) – is a biological phantasmagoria concerning a Utopia built on a huge platform above the Earth's surface, and the conflict with the mutated lifeforms which proliferate below. This tale, choked with ingenious invention and grotesqueries, and The Walking Shadow (1979; vt The Walking Shadow: An Promethean Scientific Romance 2013) stand as Stableford's most clearly Stapledon-esque epics, and show a vein of contemplative wonder that he was later – in the impressive academic study, The Scientific Romance in Britain 1890-1950 (1985; much exp vt The New Atlantis 2016 4vols), which won an Eaton Award – to characterize as an essential element tending to distinguish British from American sf. His Scientific Romance: An International Anthology of Pioneering Science Fiction (anth 2017) provides a wide range of suggestive examples.

Further novels of interest from this period include The Castaways of Tanagar (1981) and The Gates of Eden (1983). The Asgard trilogy, set on a kind of Hollow Earth in another solar system, begins with Journey to the Center (1982; rev 1989) and was belatedly completed with Invaders from the Centre (1990) and The Centre Cannot Hold (1990). After this trilogy Stableford stopped producing fiction for some time, concentrating on popular and scholarly studies of sf and Futures Studies like The Science in Science Fiction (1982) with David Langford and Peter Nicholls and The Sociology of Science Fiction (1985); he also contributed very widely during this period to a number of journals, including Foundation, and to various scholarly anthologies, with many essays in E F Bleiler's two large anthologies – Science Fiction Writers (anth 1982) and Supernatural Fiction Writers (anth 1985 2vols) – devoted to extended studies of individual authors, many of these studies anticipating the normalizing academic attention they would later receive. Other important works include The Scientific Romance in Britain (see above) and The 2024 Report: A Concise History of the Future, 1974-2024 (1984) with Norman and Christopher MacRae, all writing together as Norman MaCrae, in which the future is treated in Utopian terms, Technology having brought huge benefits to post-bureaucratic-states self-governing small communities. Stableford served as contributing editor to the 1979 and 1993 editions of this encyclopedia; though he did not write entries in recent years, his total SFE wordcount – 182,000 words – was substantial. In 1999 he received the Pilgrim Award for distinguished contributions to the study of sf.

Stableford returned seriously to fiction with The Empire of Fear (1988), an Alternate History of Europe from the Middle Ages to the present in which immortal Vampires – whose condition is here scientifically premised and shorn of supernatural trappings – dominate the world; told with the geographic sweep and visionary didacticism typical of the Scientific Romance, the book successfully assimilates into sf modes some of the vast lore of the Vampire. The slightly later David Lydyard sequence, comprising The Werewolves of London (1990), The Angel of Pain (1991) and The Carnival of Destruction (1994), focuses on nineteenth-/early twentieth-century Britain, up to and encompassing the events of World War One; Stableford appropriates here further material from other genres, creating a sequence in which Werewolves, bred by primordial godling-like creatures at the dawn of time, participate in an apocalyptic – and thoroughly discussed – testing of the nature of reality. With these novels, Stableford suddenly became a writer whose fiction befitted his intelligence, for in much of his earlier work a certain remoteness of affect had tended to baulk the reader's identification. The change was most welcome, and Young Blood (1992) – which could be described as a Scientific Romance about the biochemical roots of human Identity within the context of an unconventional Vampire tale – fully justifies the sense that Stableford had come into an earned period of flourishing.

This sense that Stableford had entered his late prime is even more clearly evident in the long experiment in describing the future that began in a nonfiction book, The Third Millennium: A History of the World AD 2000-3000 (1985) with David Langford, which again provides a vision of Utopia, though with an optimism less forthright than in previous similar work. The Third Millennium, with its focus on biotechnology (see Biology; Genetic Engineering) serves as a taking-off point for the sharp tales assembled in Sexual Chemistry: Sardonic Tales of the Genetic Revolution (coll 1991), which is thematically connected to the Biotech Revolution sequence (see below); and underlies the most ambitious sf work of Stableford's career (similarly connected to the Biotech Revolution sequence), the Emortality sequence comprising (here listed according to internal chronology) The Cassandra Complex (2001), Inherit the Earth (July 1995 Analog; exp 1998), Dark Ararat (2002), Architects of Emortality (October 1994 Asimov's as "Les Fleurs du Mal"; exp 1999), The Fountains of Youth (April 1995 Asimov's as "Mortimer Gray's History of Death"; exp 2000) and The Omega Expedition (2002), the last volume playing off on most of what has gone before. The overall story is a Future History conducted in the mode of the Scientific Romance, only intermittently focusing on continuous figures in a long drama consequent upon the near destruction of human life through a biotech Disaster, a Pandemic known as the Plague Wars in the distant Near Future, after warnings of disastrous Climate Change have been ignored. The society that then evolves is explained essayistically through an intense application of the principles of Sociology to the various dilemmas and opportunities – from Overpopulation to Immortality and the ultimate Transcendence of our human condition (see Posthuman) – that follow on from the introduction of Nanotechnology-enabled extended lifespans, whose eventual use in Generation Starships justifies the exploration of nearby stars, where First Contact is made and ethical dilemmas proliferate. It is notable that the Utopian world Stableford creates incorporates a vigorously post-nuclear-family culture.

As indicated, much of his work was loosely retrofitted into the Biotech Revolution sequence including in its own right, among other titles, Designer Genes: Tales of the Biotech Revolution (coll of linked stories 2004), The Undead: A Tale of the Biotech Revolution (2010) and Les Fleurs du Mal: A Tale of the Biotech Revolution (2010) [for further titles see Checklist below]; the sequence posits a multi-textured future profoundly influenced by Genetic Engineering. Also of sf interest is a later sequence – the Empire of the Necromancers series comprising The Shadow of Frankenstein (coll of linked stories/fixup 2008), Frankenstein and the Vampire Countess (coll of linked stories/fixup, 2009) and Frankenstein in London (coll of linked stories/fixup, 2011) – set in an Alternate History where the Frankenstein Monster is real.

In the twenty-first century Stableford focused on translations from and studies of the French literature of Decadence, and upon tales intricately derived from and interrogatory of earlier models of Fantastika in the English language, including The Curse of the Coral Bride (in The Last Continent: New Tales of Zothique, anth 1999, edited by John Pelan, as "The Light of Achernar" much exp 2004), a Far Future tale set in the Dying Earth created by Clark Ashton Smith; and The Novel of the Future (2008), a translation of Le roman de l'avenir (1834) by Félix Bodin. In the end, he had arguably achieved his goal of translating in about 100 separate volumes a very extensive array of classic French sf, much of this repertoire, though not all of it, being examples of the roman scientifique, a form which more closely resembles the Scientific Romance than it does Genre SF as it evolved in twentieth-century America; The Plurality of Imaginary Worlds: The Evolution of French Roman Scientifique (2016) may be the only sustained study of the form in English. It should be noted that although many of the hundred are described by the publisher as "adaptations", they are all in fact translations in any normal understanding of the term.

In the first decades of the twenty-first century, Stableford also published a large amount of fiction – including the intensely conveyed The Wayward Muse (coll of linked stories 2005), which begins the Mnemosyne sequence set in a Decadent artist's colony in an Alternate History where Rome did not fall – and numerous collections of essays, much of this being work that had awaited publication for considerable periods, some of it being routine, much not. Among his commercially published novels is Streaking (2006), in which an attempt to argue the possibility of a good-luck gene is perhaps unfortunately embedded in a Gothic context. Perhaps more important than any of these individual titles, however, is an exceedingly ambitious work of nonfiction: Science Fact and Science Fiction: An Encyclopedia (2006), a massive encyclopediacal examination of the complex back-and-forth relationship between speculative fiction and scientific knowledge and advances. This text, and the Emortality sequence (see above), make up together the most sustained, measured, thought-through and extensive body of argument yet presented about sf and the sciences that sf feeds and feeds upon. Its scope and intensity are rivalled only by two nonfiction works: The New Atlantis: A Narrative History of the Scientific Romance (2016 4vols) hugely expands his much earlier Scientific Romance in Britain 1890-1950 (1985) (see Scientific Romance); The Plurality of Imaginary Worlds: The Evolution of French Roman Scientifique (2016) recasts and refocuses the introductions provided for his French translations (see above). Stableford's great and sometimes indiscriminate productivity should not conceal the significant achievement, in fiction and in nonfiction, of these two late enterprises, which climaxed his career. The enormous size of his oeuvre [see Checklist immediately below] has perhaps daunted attempts to grasp the comprehensiveness and competence of his long enterprise in understanding the field, and embodying it in illustrative fictions. There is much to learn. [JC/DP]

see also: Anthropology; Arts; BSFA Award; Collections; Cosmology; Critical and Historical Works About SF; Cryonics; Dark Future; Definitions of SF; Fantasy; Games and Sports; Gods and Demons; Grey Goo; Hard SF; Heterocosm; History in SF; History of SF; Horror in SF; Interzone; Living Worlds; Media Landscape; Messiahs; Monsters; Mythology; Paranoia; Pastoral; Precognition; Sex; Steampunk; Zombies.

Brian Michael Stableford

born Shipley, Yorkshire: 25 July 1948

died Swansea, Wales: 24 February 2024



Dies Irae

Grainger/Hooded Swan

Daedalus Mission


Warhammer: Orfeo

  • Zaragoz (Brighton, Sussex: GW Books, 1989) as by Brian Craig [tie to the fantasy Wargame: Warhammer: Orfeo: pb/John Blanche]
  • Plague Daemon (Brighton, Sussex: GW Books, 1990) as by Brian Craig [tie to the fantasy Wargame: Warhammer: Orfeo: pb/Les Edwards]
  • Storm Warriors (Brighton, Sussex: GW Books, 1991) as by Brian Craig [tie to the fantasy Wargame: Warhammer: Orfeo: pb/Chris Baker as Fangorn]


  • The Wine of Dreams (Brighton, Sussex: BL Publishing/Black Library, 1991) as by Brian Craig [tie to the fantasy Wargame: Warhammer: pb/Adrian Smith]

Warhammer 40,000

David Lydyard

Books of Genesys


Empire of the Necromancers

  • The Shadow of Frankenstein (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2008) [coll of linked stories/fixup: Empire of the Necromancers: pb/Daniele Serra]
  • Frankenstein and the Vampire Countess (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2009) [coll of linked stories/fixup: Empire of the Necromancers: pb/Daniele Serra]
  • Frankenstein in London (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2011) [coll of linked stories/fixup: Empire of the Necromancers: pb/Daniele Serra]

Biotech Revolution


  • The Wayward Muse (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2005) [coll of linked stories: Mnemosyne: pb/Anne-Claire Payet]
  • Eurydice's Lament (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2015) [Mnemosyne: pb/Fleurine Rétoré]
  • The Mirror of Dionysus (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2016) [Mnemosyne: pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • The Pool of Mnemosyne (Tarzana, California: Black Coat Press, 2018) [Mnemosyne: pb/Vincent Biwer]

August Dupin

Morgan's Fork

Paul Furneret

  • The Painter of Spirits (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2019) [Paul Furneret: pb/Daniele Serra]
  • The Quiet Dead (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2019) [Paul Furneret: pb/Daniele Serra]
  • Living With the Dead (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2019) [Paul Furneret: pb/Daniele Serra]


individual titles

collections and stories

works as translator (selected)

Note that the house style employed by Black Coat Press, Stableford's usual publisher, uses the term "adapted" to designate what would elsewhere be considered translations. The tendency of academics to take this phrasing as sufficient reason to sideline his Black Coat translations is unhelpful to actual readers.


The Blackcoats

Translated works only; for the full series, including magazine publications, see the entry for Paul Féval; for translated non-series titles by this author see individual titles below.

The Scientific Marvel Fiction of Maurice Renard

  • Maurice Renard. Doctor Lerne, Sub-God (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2010) [exp as coll: trans of Le docteur Lerne, sous-dieu (1908) with one added story: The Scientific Marvel Fiction #1: pb/Gilles Francesco]
  • Maurice Renard. A Man Among the Microbes and Other Stories (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2010) [omni: trans of Un Homme chez les Microbes, Scherzo (1928) plus Le Voyage immobile suive d'autres histories singulieres (coll 1908): The Scientific Marvel Fiction #2: pb/Gilles Francesco]
  • Maurice Renard. The Blue Peril (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2010) [trans of Le Péril Bleu (1911): The Scientific Marvel Fiction #3: pb/Gilles Francesco]
  • Maurice Renard. The Doctored Man and Other Stories (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2010) [trans of Monsieur D'Outremort et autres histoires singulières (coll 1913) plus other material: The Scientific Marvel Fiction #4: pb/Gilles Francesco]
  • Maurice Renard. The Master of Light (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2010) [trans of Le Maître de la Lumière (1933): The Scientific Marvel Fiction #5: pb/Gilles Francesco]

The Scientific Romances of J-H Rosny aîné

Mysteries of Tomorrow

  • Paul Féval fils and H-J Magog. Fiances of the Year 2000 (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2020) [trans of Les Fiancés de l'an 2000 (1922): Mysteries of Tomorrow: pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Paul Féval fils and H-J Magog. The World of the Damned (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2020) [trans of Le Monde des Damnés (1923): Mysteries of Tomorrow: pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Paul Féval fils and H-J Magog. The Awakening of Atlantis (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2020) [trans of Le Réveil d'Atlantide (1923): Mysteries of Tomorrow: pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Paul Féval fils and H-J Magog. Humankind Enchained (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2020) [trans of L'Humanité Enchaînée (1923): Mysteries of Tomorrow: pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Paul Féval fils and H-J Magog. The Maker of Madwomen (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2020) [coll: trans from various sources: Mysteries of Tomorrow: pb/Mike Hoffman]

individual titles as translator

  • Adolphe Alhaiza. Cybele: An Extraordinary Voyage into the Future (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [trans of Cybèle, Voyage extraordinaire dans l'avenir (1891) as by Jean Chambon: pb/Vincent Laik]
  • Alphonse Allais. The Adventures of Captain Cap (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [coll: trans of Le Captain Cap, ses aventures, ses idées, ses breuvages (1902): pb/Prince Gigi]
  • Henri Allorge. The Great Cataclysm: A Romance of the Hundredth Century (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2011) [trans of Le Grand Cataclysme: roman du centième siècle (1922): pb/Grillon]
  • André Arnyvelde. The Ark (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2015) [omni: trans of Le Roi du Galande (1910) and L'Arche (1920): pb/Jean-Félix Lyon]
  • André Arnyvelde. The Mutilated Bacchus (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2015) [omni: trans of Le Bacchus Mutilé (1922) and Demande un Homme, ou L'Étrange Tournoi d'Amour (1924): pb/Jean-Félix Lyon]
  • Charles Asselineau. Double Life (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2012) [coll: trans of La Double vie: Nouvelles (coll 1858): pb/]
  • Henri Austruy. The Eupantophone and Other Stories (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2014) [coll: trans of L'Eupantophone (1905) with added stories: pb/]
  • Henri Austruy. The Petitpaon Era (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2014) [coll: trans of L'Ère "Petitpaon" ou la Paix universelle (1906) with added stories: pb/]
  • Henri Austruy. The Oloteleplan (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2014) [coll: trans from various source: pb/]
  • Honoré de Balzac. The Last Fay (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2016) [trans of La Dernière fée, ou La Nouvelle Lampe merveilleuse (1823) as by Horace de Saint-Aubin: pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Barillet-Lagargousse. The Final War: A Fantastic Story (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2014) [coll: trans of La guerre final, histoire fantastique (1885) as by Barillet-Lagargousse, Ingénieur destructeur: plus "Batailles navales de l'avenir" ["Naval Battles of the Future"] (1895 La Science Illustre) by Maurice Loir: pb/]
  • André Beaunier. The Man Who Lost Himself: A Symbolist Novel (Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press/Borgo Press, 2013) [trans of L'Homme qui a perdu son moi (1911): pb/]
  • Cyprien Bérard. The Vampire Lord Ruthwen (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2011) [trans of Lord Ruthwen ou Les Vampires (1820): pb/David Rabbitte]
  • S Henry Berthoud. Martyrs of Science; And Other Victims of Devilry and Destiny (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [coll: trans from various sources including Contes misanthropiques (1831): pb/Mariousz Gandzel]
  • Richard Bessière. The Gardens of the Apocalypse and the Seven Rings of Rhéa (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2010) [omni: trans of Les Sept Anneaux de Rhéa (1962), and Les Jardins de l'Apocalypse (1963): pb/Michel Borderie]
  • S Henry Berthoud. Martyrs of Science; And Other Victims of Devilry and Destiny (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [coll: trans of Contes misanthropiques (1831): pb/Mariousz Gandzel]
  • S Henry Berthoud. The Angel Asrael and Other Legendary Tales (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [coll: cut trans of Chroniques et traditions surnaturelles de la Flandre (1831) as Samuel H Berthoud: pb/Aurelien Maccarelli]
  • S Henry Berthoud. William's Angel (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2019) [coll: trans from various sources: pb/Aurelien Hubert]
  • Albert Bleunard. Ever Smaller (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2011) [coll: trans of "The Reluctant Spiritualist" (1889 La Science Illustré) and "Toujours plus petit" (27 May-25 November 1893 La Science Illustré): pb/Jean-Felix Lyon]
  • Félix Bodin. The Novel of the Future (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2008) [introduction plus trans of Le roman de l'avenir (1834): pb/Stephan Martinière]
  • Pierre Boitard. Journey to the Sun (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2016) [coll: trans of Paris avant les hommes (1861): pb/Jean-Pierre Normand]
  • Louis Boussenard. Monsieur Synthesis (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [trans of Les secrets de Monsieur Synthèse (1888) and "Dix mille ans dans un bloc de glace" (17 August-26 October 1889 La Science Illustrée): pb/David Lecossu]
  • Frédéric Boutet. The Antisocial Man and Other Strange Stories (Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press/Borgo Press, 2013) [coll: trans from various sources: for details see author's entry: pb/]
  • Frédéric Boutet. The Voyage of Julius Pingouin and Other Strange Stories (Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press/Borgo Press, 2013) [coll: trans from various sources: for details see author's entry: pb/]
  • Frédéric Boutet. Claude Mercoeur's Reflection and Other Strange Stories (Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press/Borgo Press, 2013) [coll: trans from various sources: for details see author's entry: pb/]
  • Alphonse Brown. The Conquest of the Air: Forty Days of Aerial Navigation (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [trans of La Conquête de l'air: Quarante jours de navigation aérienne: 40 jours de navigation aérienne (1875): pb/Jean-Pierre Normand]
  • Alphonse Brown. City of Glass (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2011) [trans of Un Ville de Verre (1891): pb/Jean-Félix Lyon]
  • Emile Calvet. In a Thousand Years (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [trans of Dans Mille Ans (1884): pb/Jean-Félix Lyon]
  • André Caroff. The Terror of Madame Atomos (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2010) [omni: trans of La Sinistre Mme Atomos (1964) and Mme Atomos Sème la Terreur (1965): pb/Jean-Michel Ponzio]
  • Jean Carrère. The End of Atlantis (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2017) [trans of La Fin d'Atlantis ou le grand soir (1926): pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Félicien Champsaur. The Human Arrow (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2011) [omni: trans of Les Deux singes (1885) and both versions of Les Ailes de l'Homme (1917; cut rev 1927): introduction by Stableford: pb/]
  • Félicien Champsaur. Homo-Deus (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2014) [omni: trans of Homo deus, le satyre invisible (1923) and Tuer les vieux, jouir! (1925): pb/Yoz]
  • Félicien Champsaur. Ouha, King of the Apes (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2012) [trans of Ouha, Roi des Singes (1923): pb/Gary McClusky]
  • Félicien Champsaur. Pharaoh's Wife (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [trans of La Pharaonne, roman occulte (1929): pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Félicien Champsaur. Nora, the Ape-Woman (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2015) [trans of Nora, la guenon devenue femme (1929): pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Jules Claretie. Obsession (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [trans of L'Obsession (Moi et l'Autre) (1908): pb/Chris Wallon]
  • Jacques-Albin Simon Collin de Plancy. Voyage to the Center of the Earth (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2016) [trans of Voyage au centre de la terre, ou, Aventures diverses de Clairancy et de se compagnons, dans le Spitzberg, au Pôle-Nord, et dans des pays inconnus (1821): pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Michel Corday. The Eternal Flame (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [omni: trans of La Flamme Eternelle (1931) and Ciel Rose (1933): pb/Jean-Félix Lyon]
  • Andre Couvreur. The Necessary Evil (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2014) [trans of Le Mal Nécessaire (1899): Caresco: pb/Mandy]
  • Andre Couvreur. Caresco, Superman (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2014) [trans of Caresco surhomme; ou le Voyage en Eucrasie (1904): Caresco: pb/Mandy]
  • Andre Couvreur. The Exploits of Professor Tornada, Volume 1 (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2014) [coll: trans of the title novella from L'Androgyne: Les Fantaisies de Professor Tornada (1923) plus Une invasion de Macrobes (1910): Professor Tornada: pb/]
  • Andre Couvreur. The Exploits of Professor Tornada, Volume 2 (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2014) [omni: trans of Le Valser Phosphorescent (1923) and Les Mémoires d'un Immortel (1924): Professor Tornada: pb/]
  • Andre Couvreur. The Exploits of Professor Tornada, Volume 3 (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2014) [coll: trans of Biocole (1927) and Le Cas de la Baronne Sasoitsu (1939): Professor Tornada: pb/]
  • Gaston Danville. The Anatomy of Love and Murder: Psychoanalytical Fantasies (Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press/The Borgo Press, 2013) [coll: trans from various sources: pb/uncredited]
  • Gaston Danville. The Perfume of Lust (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2016) [trans of Le Parfum de Volupté (1905): pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Gaston Danville. Double-Head (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2020) [trans of "Double-Tête" (1927 L'Oeuvre): pb/Grillon]
  • Léon Daudet. The Napus: The Great Plague of the Year 2227 (Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press/Borgo Press, 2012) [trans of Le napus, fléau de l'an 2227 (1927): pb/]
  • Camille Debans. The Misfortunes of John Bull (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2015) [coll: trans of Les Malheurs de John Bull (1884) with added stories: pb/Arnaud Sohyer-Budow]
  • Chevalier de Béthune. The World of Mercury (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2015) [trans of Relation du Monde de Mercure (1750): pb/Vincent Laik]
  • Delphine de Girardin. Balzac's Cane (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2015) [omni trans of Le Lorgnon as Delphine Gay (1831) and La Canne de M de Balzac (1836) as Mme Émile de Girardin: pb/Phil Cohen]
  • Remy de Gourmont. The Angels of Perversity (Sawtry, Cambridgeshire: Dedalus, 1992) [trans as by Francis Amery of various stories: pb/David Bird]
  • Baron Étienne-Léon de Lamothe-Langon. The Virgin Vampire (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2011) [trans of La Vampire ou la Vierge de Hongrie (1825): pb/Nathalie Lial]
  • Gabriel de Lautrec. The Vengeance of the Oval Portrait and Other Stories (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2011) [coll: trans of La Vengeance du portrait ovale (1922) and other material: pb/]
  • Mr de Listonai. The Philosophic Voyager in an Island Unknown to the Inhabitants of Earth (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2015) [trans of Le Voyageur Philosophe dans un Pays Inconnu aux Inhabitants de la Terre (1761): pb/Mandy]
  • Henri de Parville. An Inhabitant of the Planet Mars (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2008) [trans of Un Habitant de la Planète Mars (1864): pb/Sylvain Despretz]
  • Gaston de Pawlowski. Journey to the Land of the Fourth Dimension (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2009) [trans of Voyage au pays de la quatrième dimension (1912; rev 1923): pb/]
  • Henri de Régnier. A Surfeit of Mirrors: Symbolist Tales and Uncertain Stories (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2012) [omni: trans of La Canne de jaspe (1897) and Histoires Incertaines (1919) plus other work: pb/]
  • Charles Derennes. The People of the Pole (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2008) [trans of Le peuple du Pôle (1907) plus title story of Les conquérants d'idoles et autre aventures ["The Conquerors of Idols and Other Adventures"] (1919): pb/Gil Formosa]
  • Marie-Anne de Roumier-Robert. The Voyages of Lord Seaton to the Seven Planets (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2015) [trans of Voyage de Milord Séton dans les Sept Planètes, ou Le nouveau mentor (1765-1766): pb/Fleurine Rétoré]
  • Louis Claude de Saint-Martin. The Crocodile; Or, the War Between Good and Evil (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2016) [trans of La Crocodile, ou La Guerre du bien et du mal, arrivée sous le règne de Louis XV: poème epiquo-magique en 102 chants ("An VII de la République Française" [ie 1799]) signed Œuvre posthume d'un amateur des choses cachées: pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Pierre De Sélènes. An Unknown World: Two Years on the Moon (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2014) [trans of Un Monde Inconnu: Deux Ans sur la Lune (1896): pb/]
  • Angelo de Sorr. The Vampires of London (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2014) [trans of Le Vampire (1852): pb/]
  • Charles Derennes. The People of the Pole (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2008) [coll: trans of Le peuple du Pôle (1907) plus title story of Les conquérants d'idoles (coll 1919): pb/Gil Formosa]
  • Gaston De Wailly. The Murderer of the World (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2015) [trans of Le Meurtrier du globe (1925): pb/Henry Thiriet]
  • Comte Didier de Chousy. Ignis: The Central Fire (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2009) [trans of revised version of Ignis (Paris: Berger-Levrault et Cie, 1883; rev 1884): pb/Dimitri Rastorgoueff]
  • Charles Dodeman. The Silent Bomb (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2014) [trans of La Bomb Silencieuse (1916): illus/Albert Robida: pb/]
  • Alfred Driou. The Adventures of a Parisian Aeronaut in the Unknown Worlds (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2012) [trans of Les Aventures d'un Aéronaute Parisien dans les Mondes Inconnus (1856): pb/Jean-Pierre Normand]
  • Alexandre Dumas and Paul Bocage. The Man Who Married a Mermaid (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2017) [trans with Paul Lacroix of Les Mariages du père Olifus (1849): pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Odette Dulac. The War of the Sexes (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2015) [trans of Tel qui est! (1926): pb/Jean-Félix Lyon]
  • Rénee Dunan. Baal; And, the Devil's Lovers (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2011) [omni: trans of Baal, ou la magicienne passionée, livre de ensorcellements (1924) and Les Amantes du diable (1929): pb/]
  • Henri Duvernois. The Man Who Found Himself (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2010) [trans of L'Homme s'est retrouvé (1936): pb/Chris Walker]
  • Achille Eyraud. Voyage to Venus (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2011) [trans of Voyage à Vénus (1865): pb/Christine Clavel]
  • Henri Falk. The Age of Lead and Other Fantastic Romances (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2010) [coll: trans from Le Cadre volé ["The Stolen Frame"] (coll 1910) and L'Age de Plomb (circa 1922): pb/Chabeuh]
  • Paul Féval. Anne of the Isles and Other Legends of Brittany (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2012) [coll: trans of one story from Contes des Bretagne (coll 1844) and three from Les Romans enfantins (coll 1862): pb/Anne-Claire Payet]
  • Paul Féval. Revenants (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2006) [trans of Une histoire des revenants (1881), rev of La soeur des fantômes (1852): pb/Arnaud Demaegd]
  • Paul Féval. Vampire City (Mountain Ash, Wales: Sarob Press, 1999) [trans of La Ville-Vampire (1874): hb/Tim Denton]
  • Paul Féval. Knightshade (Mountain Ash, Wales: Sarob Press, 2001) [trans of Le Chevalier Ténèbre (1875): hb/Douglas Walters]
  • Paul Féval. The Wandering Jew's Daughter (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2012) [trans by Brian Stableford of La Fille du Juif Errant (coll 1878), rev of "Le Juif Errant: Conte pour les Grands Enfants" ["The Wandering Jew: A Fairy Tale for Older Children"] November 1877-January 1878 Les Veillées des Chaumières: pb/Tim Lambon]
  • Paul Féval. The Vampire Countess (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2003) [trans of La Vampire (1891): pb/Ladrönn]
  • Paul Féval fils. Felifax the Tiger Man (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2007) [omni: trans of Félifax: l'homme tigre (Paris: Baudinière, 1929) and Félifax: Londres en folie (Paris: Baudinière, 1933): pb/]
  • Fernand Fleuret. Jim Click (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2015) [trans of Jim Click ou La Merveilleuse Invention (1930): pb/Yoz]
  • Louis Forest. Someone Is Stealing Children in Paris (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [trans of On Vole des Enfants à Paris (1909): pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Arnould Galopin. Harry Dickson: The American Sherlock Holmes (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2016) [trans of Tenebras, le bandit fantôme (1912): pb/Daniele Serra]
  • Émile Gautier and Marie-François Goron, writing together as Goron. Spawn of the Penitentiary: Volume 1: From Devil's Island to the City of Lights (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [ebook: trans of Fleur de Bagne, roman contemporain: 1: De Cayenne à la Place Vendôme (1902): Fleur de Bagne: na/Jean-Claude Claeys]
  • Émile Gautier and Marie-François Goron, writing together as Goron. Spawn of the Penitentiary: Volume 2: Cosmopolitan Pirates (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [ebook: trans of Fleur de Bagne, roman contemporain: 2: Pirates Cosmopolites (1902): Fleur de Bagne: na/Jean-Claude Claeys]
  • Émile Gautier and Marie-François Goron, writing together as Goron. Spawn of the Penitentiary: Volume 3: Scientific Detectives and Bandits (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [ebook: trans Fleur de Bagne, roman contemporain: 3: Détectives et Bandits Scientifiques (1902): Fleur de Bagne: na/Jean-Claude Claeys]
    • Spawn of the Penitentiary (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) with Marie-François Goron, writing together as Goron [omni of volumes 1, 2 and 3 above: Fleur de Bagne: pb/Jean-Claude Claeys]
  • Judith Gautier. Isoline and the Serpent-Flower (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [omni: trans of Isoline et La Fleur-Serpent (coll 1882) and Le Paravant de soie et d'or ["The Silk and Golden Screen"] (1904): pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Henri Gayar. The Marvelous Adventures of Serge Myrandhal on Mars (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2014) [one novel in two parts: trans of Aventures merveilleuses de Serge Myrandhal sur la planète Mars (1908) and Aventures merveilleuses de Serge Myrandhal: Les Robinsons de la planète Mars (1908): pb/]
  • Louis Geoffroy. The Apocryphal Napoleon (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2016) [trans of Napoléon et la conquête du monde, 1812-1832: Histoire de la monarchie universalle (1836; rev vt Napoléon Apocryphe: Histoire de la conquête du monde et de la monarchie universalle 1841): pb/Dimitri Rastorgoueff]
  • Raoul Gineste. The Second Life of Doctor Albin (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2016) [trans of La seconde vie du docteur Albin (1902): pb/Daniele Serra]
  • Marie-François Goron. For translations of his collaborative works with Émile Gautier, all as by Goron alone, see Gautier and Goron above.
  • Léon Gozlan. The Vampire of the Val-de-Grace (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2012) [trans of Le Vampire du Val-de-Grace (1861): pb/Mandy]
  • Paul Gsell. The Man Who Could Read Minds (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2019) [coll: trans of L'Homme qui lit dans les âmes (1928) plus other material: pb/Phil Cohen]
  • Edmond Haraucourt. Illusions of Immortality (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2012) [coll: trans of nine stories from 1888 to 1919, variously published: pb/]
  • Edmond Haraucourt. Daâh: The First Human (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2014) [coll: trans of Daâh, le premier homme (1914) plus further stories: pb/Juan Miguel Aguilera]
  • Eugène Hennebert. The Enchanted City: A Voyage to Lake Tanganyika (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2015) [trans of La ville enchantée, voyage au Lac Tanganyika (1885) as by Prévost-Duclos: translation is under author's real name: pb/]
  • Jules Hoche. The Maker of Men and His Formula (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2015) [trans of Le Faiseur d'Hommes et sa Formule (1906): pb/Grillon]
  • Jules Janin. The Magnetized Corpse (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2014) [coll: trans of stories from Contes Fantastiques et contes littéraires (1832), plus other work: pb/]
  • Gustave Kahn. The Tale of Gold and Silence (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2011) [trans of Le Conte de l'Or et du Silence (1898): pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Fernand Kolney. Love in 5000 Years (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [trans of L'Amour dans cinq mille ans (Paris: self-published, 1908; rev 1928): pb/Jean-Félix Lyon]
  • Louis-Guillaume de La Folie. The Unpretentious Philosopher (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2012) as by Louis-Guillaume de La Follie [trans of Le Philosophe sans Prétention ou L'Homme Rare: Ouvrage Physique, Chymique, Politique et Moral, Dédié aux Savants (1775): pb/Vincent Laik]
  • Jean de La Hire. The Fiery Wheel (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [trans of La Roue Fulgurante (1908): pb/Mandy]
  • Jean de La Hire. The Nyctalope on Mars (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2008) [trans of Le Mystère des XV (1911): pb/Denis Rodier]
  • Jean de La Hire. The Nyctalope vs. Lucifer (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2007) [trans of Lucifer (1920): pb/Denis Rodier]
  • Jean de La Hire. Enter the Nyctalope (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2009) [coll: trans of L'Assassinat du Nyctalope (1933) and other stories: pb/Denis Rodier]
  • Alain Le Drimeur. The Future City (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2012) [trans of La Cité Future (1890): pb/Vincent Laik]
  • Georges Le Faure. The Extraordinary Adventures of a Russian Scientist Across the Solar System (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2010) with Henry de Graffigny [published in two volumes: trans of Aventures extraordinaires d'un savant russe (1888-1889-1890-1896 4vols): pb/]
  • Jules Lermina. The Battle of Strasburg (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2014) [trans of La Bataille de Strasbourg (1892): pb/]
  • Jules Lermina. The Secret of Zippelius (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2010) [trans of Le Secret des Zippelius (1893): pb/Jean-Félix Lyon]
  • Jules Lermina. Panic in Paris (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2009) [trans of L'effrayante aventure (1910): binding unknown/]
  • Jules Lermina. Mysteryville (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2010) as by William Cobb [trans of Mystère-Ville (magazine form 1904-1905, book form 1998): pb/]
  • Gustave Le Rouge and Gustave Guitton. The Dominion of the World (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2012) [published in four volumes (for details see author entries): trans of La Conspiration des Milliardaires (1899-1900 3vols): pb/Gilles Francescano]
  • Gustave Le Rouge. Vampires of Mars (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2008) [trans of Le Prisonnier de la Planête Mars (1908) and La Guerre des vampires (1909): pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Gustave Le Rouge. The Mysterious Doctor Cornelius (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2014) [published in three volumes (for details see author entry): trans of Le Mystérieux Docteur Cornelius (1012-1913 18vols): pb/Vincent Laik]
  • Gaston Leroux. Rouletabille at Krupp's (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [trans of Rouletabille chez Krupp (1918): pb/Genkis and Sev]
  • André Lichtenberger. The Centaurs (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [omni: trans of Les Centaures (1904) and Pickles, ou récits à la mode anglaise (coll 1923): pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • André Lichtenberger. The Children of the Crab (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [trans of Raramémé (1921): pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Jean-Marc Lofficier and Randy Lofficier, editors. French Tales of Alien Encounters (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2022) [anth: all but one story translated by Brian Stableford: pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Jean-Marc Lofficier and Randy Lofficier, editors. French Tales of Cataclysms (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2022) [anth: all but one story translated by Brian Stableford: pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Jean-Marc Lofficier and Randy Lofficier, editors. French Tales of Mad Scientists, Vol 1 (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2023) [anth: all stories except one translated by Brian Stableford: pb/Stephan Martinière]
  • Jean-Marc Lofficier and Randy Lofficier, editors. French Tales of Mad Scientists, Vol 2 (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2024) [anth: all stories translated by Brian Stableford: pb/Stephan Martinière]
  • Jean-Marc Lofficier and Randy Lofficier, editors. French Tales of Mad Scientists, Vol 3 (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2024) [anth: all stories translated by Brian Stableford: pb/Yoz]
  • Jean-Marc Lofficier and Randy Lofficier, editors. French Tales of Vampires: Volume 1 (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2024) [anth: translated by Brian Stableford and Ruth Berman: pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Charles Lomon. The Last Days of Atlantis (Encino, California: Black Coat Press, 2015) with Pierre-Barthélmy Gheusi [trans of Les Atlantes, aventures des temps légendaires (1905): pb/Mike Hofman]
  • Jean Lorrain. Monsieur de Phocas (Sawtry, Cambridgeshire: Dedalus, 1994) [trans as by Francis Amery of Monsieur de Phocas (1901): pb/]
  • Jean Lorrain. Nightmares of an Ether-Drinker (Leyburn, North Yorkshire: Tartarus Press, 2002) [coll: trans of Sensations et Souvenirs (1905) and other stories: pb/]
  • Jean Lorrain. The Soul-Drinker: And Other Decadent Fantasies (United Kingdom: Snuggly Books, 2016) [coll: trans of Buveurs d'âmes (1893) and other stories: pb/]
  • Camille Mauclair. The Virgin Orient (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2020) [trans of L'Orient vierge: roman épique de l'An 2000 (1920 version) plus Le poison des pierreries ["The Poison of Precious Stones"] (1903) plus other material: pb/Michel Borderie]
  • Joseph Méry. The Tower of Destiny (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2012) [omni: Histoire de ce qui n'est pas arrivé (1854) and Les Ruines de Paris (1836): pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Hippolyte Mettais. The Year 5865 (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2012) [trans of L'An 5865 ou Paris dans 4000 Ans (1865): pb/Jean-Félix Lyon]
  • Hippolyte Mettais. Paris Before the Deluge (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2014) [trans of Paris avant le Déluge (1866): pb/]
  • Louise Michel. The Human Microbes (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2012) [trans of Les Microbes Humains (1887): pb/Daniele Serra]
  • Louise Michel. The New World (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2012) [trans of Le Nouveau Monde (1888): pb/Daniele Serra]
  • Tony Moilin. Paris in the Year 2000 (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [trans of Paris en l'An 2000 (1869): pb/Vincent Laik]
  • José Moselli. Illa's End (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2011) [trans of Illa (first appeared 20 January-9 July 1925 Sciences et Voyages: 1972): pb/Jean-Félix Lyon]
  • Fernand Mysor. The Murdered City (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2018) [trans of La Ville assassinée (1925): pb/Phil Cohen]
  • Marie Nizet. Captain Vampire (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2007) [trans of Le Capitaine Vampire (1879): pb/Hak Mayo]
  • Georges Pellerin. The World in 2000 Years (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2011) [trans of Le Monde dans 2000 Ans (1878): pb/Jean-Pierre Normand]
  • Ernest Pérochon. The Frenetic People (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2012) [coll: trans of Les Hommes Frénétiques (1925): introduction by the translator: pb/Yoz]
  • Jean Petithuguenin. An International Mission to the Moon (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2016) [omni: trans of Une mission internationale sur la Lune (1933) plus two other tales: pb/J-P Normand]
  • Pierre-Alexis Ponson du Terrail. The Vampire and the Devil's Son (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2007) [coll: trans of La baronne Trépassée (1852): pb/Nathalie Lial]
  • Pierre-Alexis Ponson du Terrail. The Immortal Woman (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [coll: trans of La Femme Immortelle (1869): pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Pierre-Alexis Ponson du Terrail. The Chambrion and Other Stories (Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press/The Borgo Press, 2013) [coll: trans of Le Chambrion: histoire mystérieuse (1865) and other stories: pb/uncredited]
  • Georges Price. The Missing Men of the Sirius (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2015) [trans of Les Trois Disparus du "Sirius" (1896): pb/Adam Tredowski]
  • René Pujol. The Chimerical Quest (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2016) [omni: trans of Le Soleil Noir (1929) and La Chasse aux chimères (1932): pb/Guillermo Vidal]
  • Edgar Quinet. Ahasuerus (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [trans of Ahasuérus (1834): pb/Daniele Serra]
  • Edgar Quinet. The Enchanter Merlin (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2014) [trans of Merlin l'enchanteur (1860): pb/]
  • Jean Rameau. Arrival in the Stars and Other Stories (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2017) [trans of stories from Fantasmagories, histoires rapides (coll 1887) plus L'Arrivée aux étoiles: essai vers l'au-delà (1922): pb/Jean-Felix Lyon]
  • Restif de la Bretonne. The Discovery of the Austral Continent by a Flying Man (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2016) [trans of La découverte australe par un Homme-volant, ou le Dédale français (1781 4vols): pb/Grillon]
  • Restif de la Bretonne. The Story of the Great Prince Oribeau (The Fay Ouroucoucou 1) (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2017) [trans of Les veillées du marais, ou, histoire du grand prince Oribeau, roi de Mommonie, au pays d'Evinland; & de la vertueuse princesse Oribelle, de Lagenie: tirée des anciénnes annales Irlandaises, & recenment-translatée en-français (1785 4vols): Fay Ouroucoucou: pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Restif de la Bretonne. The Four Beauties and the Four Beasts (The Fay Ouroucoucou 2) (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2017) [coll: trans from various sources: Fay Ouroucoucou: pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Restif de la Bretonne. Posthumous Correspondence (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2016) [published in three volumes: trans of Les posthumes: lettres reçués après la mort du mari par sa femme, qui le croit à Florence (1802) as by Jacques Cazotte: all three volumes pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Jean Richepin. The Wing: A Romance of the New Age (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2011) [trans of L'Aile, Roman des Temps Nouveaux (1911): pb/Jean-Félix Lyon]
  • Jean Richepin. The Crazy Corner (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [coll: trans of Le coin des fous: histories horribles (Paris: Flammarion, 1921): pb/Amar Djouad]
  • Albert Robida. The Adventures of Saturnin Fanandoul (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2008) [trans Voyages très extraordinaires de Saturnin Farandoul dans les 3 our 6 parties due monde et dans tous les pays connus et même inconnus de Monsieur Jules Verne (1883): pb/Christine Claval]
  • Albert Robida. Electric Life (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [trans of La Vie Electrique (1891): illus/pb/Albert Robida]
  • Albert Robida. The Clock of the Centuries (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2008) [trans of L'horloge des siècles (1902) and other material: pb/Yoz]
  • Albert Robida. The Engineer von Satanas (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2015) [anth: trans of L'Ingénieur von Satanas (1919) plus other material: pb/Grillon]
  • Albert Robida. Chalet in the Sky (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2011) [trans of Un Chalet dans les airs (1925) plus added material: pb/Eric Lorin]
  • Albert Robida. In 1965 and Other Stories (Tarzana, California: Black Coat Press, 2018) [omni: trans of various titles: pb/Phil Cohen]
  • Aristide Roger. Voyage Beneath the Waves (Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press/Borgo Press, 2013) as by Jules Rengade [trans of Aventures extraordinaires de Trinitus; ou le Voyage sous les flots, rédigés d'après le journal de bord de l'Éclair (1868): pb/]
  • J-H Rosny aîné. Pan's Flute (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2018) [omni of La Flûte de Pan (1897), Amour Etrusque (1898) and Les Femmes de Setnê (1898), all as by Enacryos and trans by Stableford: Pan's Flute: pb/Vincent Laik]
  • Marcel Rouff. Journey to the Inverted World (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2011) [trans of Voyage au monde à l'envers (1923): pb/Bruno B Bordier]
  • Léonie Rouzade. The World Turned Upside Down (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2015) [omni: trans of Voyage de Théodose à l'île d'Utopie (1872) and Le monde reversé (1872): pb/]
  • André Ruellan. Ortog (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2010) as by Kurt Steiner [omni: trans of Aux Armes d'Ortog (1960) and Ortog et les Ténèbres ["Ortog and the Shadows"] (1969) both as by Kurt Steiner: Ortog: pb/David Seeley]
  • Han Ryner. The Human Ant (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2014) [omni: trans of L'Homme-fourmi (1901) plus Les Pacifiques (1914): pb/]
  • Han Ryner. The Superhumans and Other Stories (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2010) [coll: trans of Les Voyages de Psychodore, philosophe cynique(1903) and Les Surhommes, roman prophétique (1929) plus other works: pb/Michel Desimon]
  • Han Ryner. The Son of Silence (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2016) [omni: trans of Le fils du silence (1911) and Les Paraboles Cyniques (coll of linked stories 1913): pb/Mike Hofmann]
  • Nicolas Ségur. The Human Paradise (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2017) [omni: trans of Une Ile d'Amour (1921) and Le Paradis des Hommes (1930): pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Jacques Spitz. The Eye of Purgatory; And, Dr Mops' Experiment (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2010) [omni: trans of L'Œil du purgatoire (1945) and L'Expérience du Dr Mops (1939): pb/Juan Miguel Aguilera]
  • Edmond Thiaudière. Singular Amours (Tarzana, California: Black Coat Press, 2018) [coll: trans of Trois Amours Singulières (coll 1886): pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • C-F Tiphaigne de la Roche. Amilec and Other Satirical Fantasies (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2011) [omni: trans of Zamar (1753), Giphantie (1760) and Amilec (1761): pb/Ladronn]
  • Simon Tyssot de Patot. The Strange Voyages of Jacques Massé and Pierre de Mésange (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2015) [omni: trans of Voyages et Avantures de Jaques Massé anonymous (circa 1714) and La Vie, Les Aventures, & le Voyage de Groenland du Révérend Pere Cordelier Pierre de Mésange (1720): pb/Mandy]
  • Louis Ulbach. Prince Bonifacio and Other Stories (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2014) [coll: trans of Le Prince Bonifacio; La dame blanche de Bade; Le petit homme rouge; Le démon du laco (coll 1864) plus two additional stories: pb/Arnaud Demaegd]
  • Théo Varlet. The Martian Epic (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2009) [trans of L'épopée martienne: L'agonie de la Terre: Roman planétaire (1922) with Octave Joncquel: pb/]
  • Théo Varlet with André Blandin. Timeslip Troopers (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2012) [trans of La Belle Valence (1923): pb/]
  • Théo Varlet. The Golden Rock (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2012) [coll: trans of Le Roc d'Or (1927) plus other stories: pb/Mandy]
  • Théo Varlet. The Xenobiotic Invasion (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2011) [trans of La Grande Panne (1930): binding unknown/]
  • Théo Varlet. The Castaways of Eros (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2013) [trans of Autore Lescure, Pilote d'Astronef (1932): pb/Jean-Félix Lyon]
  • Pierre Véron. The Merchants of Health and Other Fantastic Stories (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2015) [coll: trans of Les Marchands de Santé (1862) and Monsieur Personne (1864) plus two plus other stories: pb/Mandy]
  • Paul Vibert. The Mysterious Fluid (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2011) [coll: trans of Pour Lire en Automobile: nouvelles fantastiques (coll 1901): pb/Yoz]
  • A Viger. The Ring of Light (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2018) with Léon Miral as Miral-Viger [trans of L'Anneau de Lumière: grand roman scientifique d'aventures (1922) with Léon Miral as Miral-Viger: pb/Phil Cohen]
  • Auguste Villiers de L'Isle-Adam. The Scaffold (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2004) [coll: assembled from L'Amour Suprême (coll 1886), Histoires Insolites (coll 1888) and Nouveaux Contes Cruels (coll 1888): pb/]
  • Auguste Villiers de L'Isle-Adam. The Vampire Soul (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2004) [coll: assembled from L'Amour Suprême (coll 1886), Tribulat Bonhomet (coll 1887), and Nouveaux Contes Cruels (coll 1888): pb/]

works as editor


Dedalus Decadence

individual titles

works as translator and editor


French Proto-Science Fiction

Contes de Fées

  • Funestine (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2018) [anth: translated by Brian Stableford: Contes de Fées: pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • The Queen of the Fays (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2018) [anth: translated by Brian Stableford: Contes de Fées: pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • The Origin of the Fays (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2019) [anth: translated by Brian Stableford: Contes de Fées: pb/Mike Hoffman]
  • Fays of the Sea and Other Fantasies (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2021) [anth: translated by Brian Stableford: Contes de Fées: pb/Mike Hoffman]

individual titles



Historical Dictionary Series

New Atlantis

A huge expansion and recasting of Scientific Romance in Britain 1890-1950 (1985): see full citation below.

individual titles

about the author


previous versions of this entry

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