Connelly, J H
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1840-1903) US author, associated with works in the occult, though he wrote at least one Western. The first of the two tales assembled as Neila Sen and My Casual Death (coll 1890) is sf, featuring an Invention which projects sounds via light; The Crystal's Secret (1892) is an sf story again involving an aspect of light: images of a murder are trapped in an ice crystal. [JC]
James Henderson Connelly
born Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: 1840
died New York: 15 March 1903
- Neila Sen and My Casual Death (New York: United States Book Company, successors to John W Lovell Company, 1890) [coll: Lovell's Occult Series, No 8: George Locke in A Spectrum of Fantasy Volume II (1994) speculates that an earlier paperback printing may exist: hb/]
- The Crystal's Secret (New York: P F Collier, 1892) [hb/]
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