Constantine, Storm
Entry updated 9 December 2024. Tagged: Author.

(1956-2021) UK author whose name, initially a pseudonym, became her legal name for all purposes. Her most successful work was perhaps the Wraeththu trilogy which began her career: The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit (1987; rev 2003), The Bewitchments of Love and Hate (1988; rev 2003) and The Fulfilments of Fate and Desire (1989; rev 2003), all three assembled as Wraeththu (omni 1993; rev vt The Wraeththu Chronicles 2006). The sequence follows the rise of a hermaphroditic race from men (not, at least initially, from women), who take possession of a Ruined Earth devastated by War and Pollution. The books focus on the question of whether the Posthuman Wraeththu, mystically aware and symbolically balanced between male and female yet frequently fascinated by violence and destruction, will prove to be any better than the humans they replace. A second series, the Wraeththu Histories, comprising The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure (2003; rev 2018), The Shades of Time and Memory (2004; rev 2018) and The Ghosts of Blood and Innocence (2005; rev 2018), offers a more complex and sophisticated interpretation of the themes and events of the previous trilogy. The narrative of the first book is contemporaneous with that of the earlier volumes, but concentrates on characters whose fates were previously left unexplored, while the latter two novels extend the plot beyond its original resolution. In a combination of family saga and secret history, a new generation of the hermaphrodite race discovers its past and its advantages, which include Psi Powers and other enablements. The Alba Sulh trilogy, starting with The Hienama (2005), is also connected to the Wraeththu universe.
The Monstrous Regiment (dated 1989 but 1990; rev 2011), one of two Corinna Trogarden tales, is set on a colony world where Feminism has gone disastrously wrong and the psychotic ruler – the Dominatrix – plans to confine all men to compounds and milk them for semen to produce children. The sequel, Aleph (1991; rev 2012), is less inflamed. In Hermetech (1991) a woman saves an Ecologically damaged Earth by means of a sexual coupling, the energies from which are technologically redirected into the planet's "consciousness" (see Gaia). Subsequently she turned to fantasy: for instance, in such works as The Grigori Trilogy where the mysticism and ambiguously angelic figures of the Wraeththu novels reappear within a framework based on ritual magic rather than Science Fantasy. Silverheart (2000), written with Michael Moorcock, is an interesting curiosity, a Tie to a Steampunk and Sorcery Computer Role Playing Game designed by Moorcock which was never released, but which provided the authors with the basis of the novel. The result is, however, more conventional than might be hoped.
Constantine's novels, which are not really set within an sf framework, give equal weight to the underlying assumptions of science and modern pagan magick. They are all fundamentally concerned with Sex and Gender (especially androgyny), approached through the realities and potentials of both the male and female experience. This technique is very considerably sophisticated in Calenture (1994), whose immortal protagonist (see Immortality) traces – in his imagination, and ultimately in truth – two characters he has in a sense created as they trek through a world of Cities whose wild divergences offer considerable scope for loose but invigorating Satire. Her writing continued to be vigorous, erotic, highly visual, aesthetically informed by a late punk/Goth sensibility, occasionally somewhat crudely executed, and linguistically shaped by an unusual fusion of intensely contemporary slang and ritualistic "High Style".
The UK Small Press, Immanion Press, which she founded in 2003, published new and reissued work by Constantine herself; other Immanion authors include Tanith Lee, Michael Moorcock and Brian Stableford. [NT/JC]
see also: Cyberpunk; ESP; Games Workshop; Interzone; New Worlds; Telepathy.
Storm Constantine
born Stafford, Staffordshire: 12 October 1956
died 14 January 2021
- The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit (London: Macdonald, 1987) [Wraeththu: hb/Kenny McHendry]
- The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit (Stafford: Immanion Press, 2003) [rev of above: Wraeththu: pb/]
- The Bewitchments of Love and Hate (London: Macdonald, 1988) [Wraeththu: hb/Kenny McHendry]
- The Bewitchments of Love and Hate (Stafford: Immanion Press, 2003) [rev of above: Wraeththu: pb/Ruby]
- The Fulfilments of Fate and Desire (Birmingham, England: Drunken Dragon Press, 1989) [Wraeththu: hb/Paul Damon]
- The Fulfilments of Fate and Desire (Stafford: Immanion Press, 2003) [rev of above: Wraeththu: pb/Ruby]
- Wraeththu (New York: Tor/Orb, 1993) [omni of the above three: Wraeththu: pb/Sam Rakeland]
- The Wraeththu Chronicles (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2006) [omni: rev vt of the above: Wraeththu: pb/]
- Breathe, My Shadow (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2019) [Wraeththu: pb/Ruby]
Wraeththu Histories
- The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure (New York: Tor, 2003) [Wraeththu Histories: hb/Rick Berry]
- The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2018) [rev of the above: Wraeththu Histories: pb/]
- The Shades of Time and Memory (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2004) [Wraeththu Histories: pb/]
- The Shades of Time and Memory (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2018) [rev of the above: Wraeththu Histories: pb/Ruby]
- The Ghosts of Blood and Innocence (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2005) [Wraeththu Histories: pb/]
- The Ghosts of Blood and Innocence (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2018) [rev of the above: Wraeththu Histories: pb/Ruby]
Wraeththu: Alba Sulh
- The Hienama (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2005) [Wraeththu: Alba Sulh: hb/Ruby]
- Student of Kyme (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2008) [Wraeththu: Alba Sulh: pb/Ruby]
- The Moonshawl (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2014) [Wraeththu: Alba Sulh: pb/Ruby]
Corinna Trogarden
- The Monstrous Regiment (London: Orbit, 1990) [dated 1989 but published 1990: Corinna Trogarden: pb/]
- The Monstrous Regiment (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2011) [rev of the above: Corinna Trogarden: pb/]
- Aleph (London: Orbit, 1991) [Corinna Trogarden: pb/]
- Aleph (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2012) [rev of the above: Corinna Trogarden: pb/]
The Grigori Trilogy
- Stalking Tender Prey (London: Signet Creed, 1995) [The Grigori Trilogy: pb/Anne Sudworth]
- Scenting Hallowed Blood (London: Signet UK, 1996) [The Grigori Trilogy: pb/Anne Sudworth]
- Stealing Sacred Fire (London: Penguin Books, 1998) [The Grigori Trilogy: pb/]
Magravandias Chronicles
- The Thorn Boy (Stafford, Staffordshire: Cassiel Cat Press, 1995) [chap: Magravandias Chronicles: pb/Ruby]
- The Thorn Boy (North Perth, Western Australia: Eidolon Press, 1999) [exp rev of the above: Magravandias Chronicles: pb/Rick Berry]
- The Thorn Boy & Other Dreams of Dark Desire (Eureka, California: Stark House Press, 2003) [coll: exp of the above with additional stories: Magravandias Chronicles: pb/Campbell Shepard]
- The Thorn Boy and Other Dreams of Dark Desire (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2010) [coll: exp of the above: adds two stories: pb/Ruby]
- The Thorn Boy & Other Dreams of Dark Desire (Eureka, California: Stark House Press, 2003) [coll: exp of the above with additional stories: Magravandias Chronicles: pb/Campbell Shepard]
- The Thorn Boy (North Perth, Western Australia: Eidolon Press, 1999) [exp rev of the above: Magravandias Chronicles: pb/Rick Berry]
- Sea Dragon Heir (London: Victor Gollancz, 1999) [Magravandias Chronicles: hb/Anne Sudworth]
- Crown of Silence (London: Victor Gollancz, 2000) [Magravandias Chronicles: hb/Anne Sudworth]
- The Way of Light (London: Gollancz, 2001) [Magravandias Chronicles: hb/Anne Sudworth]
individual titles
- Hermetech (London: Headline, 1991) [hb/Sheer Faith]
- Burying the Shadow (London: Headline, 1992) [hb/Steve Wallace]
- Burying the Shadow (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2009) [rev of the above: pb/]
- Sign for the Sacred (London: Headline, 1993) [hb/Amanda Billington]
- Sign for the Sacred (Eureka, California: Stark House Press, 2002) [including additional material: pb/Campbell Shepard]
- Calenture (London: Headline, 1994) [exp from "Priest of Hands", first appeared April 1992 Interzone: hb/Steve Wallace]
- Thin Air (London: Warner Books, 1999) [pb/]
- Silverheart (London: Simon and Schuster/Earthlight, 2000) with Michael Moorcock [hb/Jim Burns]
collections and stories
Collected Stories
- Mythanima (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2006) [coll: Collected Stories: pb/Ruby]
- Mythophidia (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2006) [coll: Collected Stories: pb/Peter Hollinghurst]
- Mythangelus (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2009) [coll: Collected Stories: pb/Danielle Lainton]
- Mytholumina (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2009) [coll: Collected Stories: pb/Lucas Swann]
- Mythanimus (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2011) [coll: Collected Stories: pb/Danielle Lainton]
- Mythumbra (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2018) [coll: Collected Stories: pb/Danielle Lainton]
- Mythotenebrae (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2020) [coll: Collected Stories: pb/Danielle Lainton]
individual titles
- When the Angels Came (Birmingham, England: The Birmingham Science Fiction Group, 1992) [story: chap: pb/Dave Horton]
- An Elemental Tale: A Magical Fantasy (Kidlington, Oxfordshire: Inception, 1992) [story: chap: pb/Jill Strong]
- Colurastes (Kidlington, Oxfordshire: Inception, 1995) [coll: pb/Steve Jeffery]
- A Cruel Twist of Fate: A Collection of Stories and Poems (Stafford, Staffordshire: Cassiel Cat Press, 1995) [chap: pb/Dave Horton]
- Death by Sweetness (Stafford, Staffordshire: Cassiel Cat Press, 1995) [chap: pb/Ruby]
- Dancer for the World's Death (Kidlington, Oxfordshire: Inception, 1996) [story: chap: pb/Dave Mooring]
- Three Heralds of the Storm (Decatur, Georgia: Meisha Merlin, 1997) [coll: chap: pb/Larry S Friedman]
- The Oracle Lips: A Collection (Eureka, California: Stark House Press, 1999) [coll: hb/Campbell Shepard]
- Blood, the Phoenix and a Rose: An Alchymical Triptych (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2016) [coll: Wraeththu: pb/Ruby]
- Splinters of Truth (Alconbury Weston, Cambridgeshire: NewCon Press, 2016) [coll: hb/Danielle Lainton]
- A Raven Bound with Lilies (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2017) [coll: Wraeththu: pb/Ruby]
Wraeththu: Dehara
- Grimoire Dehara: Kaimana (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2008) [Wraeththu: Dehara: illus/hb/Ruby]
- Grimoire Dehara: Ulani (Stafford, Staffordshire: Megalithica Books, 2008) with Taylor Ellwood [Wraeththu: Dehara: illus/hb/Ruby]
- Grimoire Dehara: Nahir Nuri (Stafford, Staffordshire: Megalithica Books, 2008) with Taylor Ellwood [Wraeththu: Dehara: illus/hb/Ruby]
individual titles
- The Inward Revolution (London: Warner Books, 1998) with Deborah Benstead [nonfiction: pb/]
- Bast and Sekhmet: Eyes of Ra (London: Robert Hale, 1999) with Eloise Coquio [nonfiction: hb/Elisa H Mitchell]
- Sekhem Heka (Stafford, Staffordshire: Megalithica Books, 2008) [nonfiction: illus/Olga Ulanova: pb/Vincent Chong]
- Whatnots & Curios (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2015) [nonfiction: coll: pb/Danielle Lainton]
- Zodiac of the Gods (Stafford, Staffordshire: Megalithica Books, 2018) with Graham Phillips writing together as Eden Crane [nonfiction: pb/Danielle Lainton]
- Zodiac of the Gods (Stafford, Staffordshire: Megalithica Books, 2019) as by Storm Constantine and Graham Phillips [nonfiction: pb/Danielle Lainton]
- SHE: Primal Meetings with the Dark Goddess (Stafford, Staffordshire: Megalithica Books, 2018) with Andrew Collins [nonfiction: illus/various: hb/Danielle Lainton]
- SHE: Primal Meetings with the Dark Goddess (Stafford, Staffordshire: Megalithica Books, 2018) with Andrew Collins [nonfiction: cut of the above limited edition: illus/various: pb/Brom]
- Coming Forth by Day: A System of Khemetic Magic: Book One (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2019) [nonfiction: illus/various artists: pb/Danielle Lainton]
works as editor
Wraeththu Anthologies
- Paragenesis: Stories from the Dawn of Wraeththu (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2010) with Wendy Darling [anth: Wraeththu Anthologies: pb/Ruby]
- Para Imminence: Stories of the Future of Wraeththu (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2012) with Wendy Darling [anth: Wraeththu Anthologies: pb/Danielle Lainton]
- Para Kindred: Enigmas of Wraeththu (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2014) with Wendy Darling [anth: Wraeththu Anthologies: pb/Ruby]
- Para Animalia: Creatures of Wraeththu (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2015) with Wendy Darling [anth: Wraeththu Anthologies: illus/Storm Constantine: pb/Ruby]
- Songs to Earth & Sky: Stories of the Seasons (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2017) [anth: include some nonfiction: Wraeththu Anthologies: pb/Ruby]
- Para Spectral: Hauntings of Wraeththu (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2018) with Wendy Darling [anth: Wraeththu Anthologies: illus/Storm Constantine: pb/Ruby]
- Para Mort: Wraeththu Tales of Love & Death (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2020) with Wendy Darling [anth: Wraeththu Anthologies: pb/Ruby]
individual titles
- Night's Nieces: The Legacy of Tanith Lee (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2015) [anth: includes some nonfiction: illus/Storm Constantine: pb/John Kaiine]
- Dark in the Day (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2017) with Paul Houghton [anth: pb/]
- Visionary Tongue: A Selection of Stories and Poems from the Magazine (Alconbury Weston, Cambridgeshire: NewCon Press, 2017) [anth: illus/hb/Ruby]
- Visionary Tongue: A Selection of Stories and Poems from the Magazine (Alconbury Weston, Cambridgeshire: NewCon Press, 2017) [anth: cut of the above limited edition: four stories dropped: illus/pb/Ruby]
- The Darkest Midnight in December: Ghost Stories for the Winter Season (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2017) [anth: pb/Danielle Lainton]
- Shadows on the Hillside: Weird Landscapes (Alconbury Weston, Cambridgeshire: NewCon Press, 2021) [anth: hb/Danielle Lainton]
about the author
- Danielle Lainton and Louise Coquio, editors. Pashterina's Peacocks (Stafford, Staffordshire: Immanion Press, 2021) [anth: includes some nonfiction: pb/Ruby]
- Storm Constantine
- Storm Constantine (archived blog)
- Immanion Press
- Internet Speculative Fiction Database
- Picture Gallery
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