Continuum Science Fiction
Entry updated 18 October 2012. Tagged: Publication.
US low-paying Semiprozine published and edited by William Rupp, Bonsall, California under the imprint Continuum Publishing. It began as a Print Magazine with an advance preview edition, containing two stories, released in November 2003 and then seven formal issues from Winter 2004 to Fall 2006. The first three issues were in an intermediate, half-legal size (8.5 x 7 in; 215 x 175 mm), though dropped to a small review size (8.5 x 5.25 in; 215 x 135 mm) from issue #4 (Fall 2005). All issues were saddle-stapled and ran to between 48 and 60 pages. The magazine was suspended at the end of 2006 and returned with one online edition, Winter 2009 before returning to limbo, though the website still operates.
Rupp's purpose was to return to "good story-telling and adventure." He wanted science fiction, not fantasy, and chiefly in the Analog mould. Rupp had succeeded in selling one story to Analog in the past, a collaboration with Vernor Vinge, "Just Peace" (December 1971). Jay Lake provided the first issue's lead story, "Requiem Ascendant" (Winter 2004), a fast-paced space adventure which set the tone of the magazine which had five other stories, another of which, "Phantoms" by James McCormick, was a space mystery, plus two science articles. Adventures in space remained the central theme throughout subsequent issues, but the neat printing quality of the first issue soon faded to photocopied issues that were barely adequate. The change in size helped improve the magazine, but despite the quality of the fiction, the magazine still looked amateurish. This, and limited sales led to the magazine's suspension and a single attempt to relaunch it on the internet. Continuum is a good example of where passion and enthusiasm is not enough and that the technical skills in producing a good quality magazine, either in print or online, can make a big difference. [MA]
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