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Cook, Hugh

Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

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(1956-2008) UK-born New Zealand author, who spent much of his childhood in the South Pacific Republic of Kiribati, and who lived in Japan from 1997; he is known primarily for his interestingly varied and sometimes inventive fantasy series, Chronicles of an Age of Darkness, whose ornate textures are Equipoisal between Planetary Romance and fantasy, though the latter mode is dominant. His only genuinely sf novel, The Shift (1986), a finalist in the 1985 Young Writers' Competition run by the newspaper The Times (London) with publishers Jonathan Cape, is a confused tale of deeply undergraduate Humour about an Alien Invasion and a machine that selectively alters human history. After the truncation of Chronicles of an Age of Darkness – only 10 of a projected 60 volumes reached print – Cook fell silent for some time, but from 1998 to 2005 published many shorter sf and fantasy stories. Further self-published and posthumously published POD novels and collections, including the Oceans of Light fantasy trilogy, are omitted from the Checklist. [PN/JC/DRL]

Hugh Walter Gilbert Cook

born Billericay, Essex: 9 August 1956

died Auckland, New Zealand: 8 November 2008

works (selected)


Chronicles of an Age of Darkness:

individual titles


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