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Corcoran, Travis J I

Entry updated 15 April 2024. Tagged: Author.

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(1971-    ) US author of the self-published Aristillus sequence of sometimes didactically Libertarian SF novels beginning with The Powers of the Earth (2017). This first volume both acknowledges the inspiration of Robert A Heinlein's The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress (December 1965-April 1966 If; 1966) and engages with many of its tropes (including strong AI) while adding others, such as Uplifted Dogs. The influence of Ayn Rand is also evident. Libertarian dissidents from the Earth regime of 2064 – corrupt and suffering long-term depression – equip ocean-going cargo ships with Antigravity drives and set up an Underground colony on the Moon, a City named Aristillus. As in the Heinlein novel, lunar independence proves intolerable to Earth, and much conflict ensues in Military SF vein. Both The Powers of the Earth and its immediate sequel Causes of Separation (2018) won the Prometheus Award, the first author-published novels to do so; at least two further series titles are planned. [DRL]

Travis J I Corcoran

born New Jersey: 1971




collections and stories

  • Firefly Season 2 (place not given: Morlock Publishing, 2017) with Clark Bianco [story: ebook: na/]


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