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Prometheus Award

Entry updated 15 July 2024. Tagged: Award.

An Award presented for sf which is at least nominally Libertarian or attempts to "examine the meaning of freedom". It was inaugurated by L Neil Smith in 1979 and relaunched by the newly formed Libertarian Futurist Society in 1982, since when the presentations have been annual. The trophy takes the form of a gold coin "representing free trade and free minds". Prometheus Hall of Fame awards are also given for classic libertarian fiction: the first such presentations were in 1983, to Robert Heinlein's The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (December 1965-April 1966 If; 1966) and Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged (1957); the 2011 winner was George Orwell's Animal Farm (1945 chap). [See the Prometheus Award website link below for further Hall of Fame details.] Special awards have occasionally been presented from 1998, covering such non-novel categories as Anthology, Cinema, Graphic Novel and lifetime achievement. [DRL]

see also: Economics.



  • 1998: Anthology – Free Space (anth 1997) edited by Brad Linaweaver and Edward E Kramer
  • 2001: Life achievement – Poul Anderson
  • 2005: Anthology – Give Me Liberty! (anth 2003) and Visions of Liberty (anth 2004), both edited by Martin H Greenberg and Mark Tier; Graphic Novel – The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel (2004) by L Neil Smith and Scott Bieser (illustrator)
  • 2006: Film – Serenity (2005)
  • 2007: Film – V for Vendetta (2006)
  • 2014: Life achievement – Vernor Vinge. Leslie Fish for her novella "Tower of Horses" (in Music of Darkover, anth 2013, ed Elisabeth Waters) and Filk song telling the same story, "The Horsetamer's Daughter".
  • 2015: Life achievement – F Paul Wilson
  • 2016: Life achievement – L Neil Smith. Graphic novel – Jonathan Luna and Sarah Vaughn, Alex + Ada (graph 2015)


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