Dawson, Saranne
Entry updated 14 November 2022. Tagged: Author.
Pseudonym of US author Saranne Hoover (1941- ), who has also written as by Pamela Lind; she is the author of one sf romance, Greenfire (1990), under her own name, a Science Fantasy about the female leader of a tribe called upon to breed an heir, with some absent-minded references to Exogamy. From that point, she has written sf only as Saranne Dawson, beginning with The Enchanted Land (1991), where calling her severely erotized folklorist protagonist Emily Carr (1871-1945) may seem to verge upon lèse-majesté upon the justly respected Canadian artist and advocate of indigenous rights. Spell Bound (1996) is a Time Travel tale in which a Changewar seems to intrude, almost. Other titles include romantic Space Operas like Starlight, Starbright (1999), featuring a Telepathic Alien civilization. [JC]
Saranne Hoover
born 1941
works (selected)
- Heart of the Wolf (New York: Love Spell, 1993) [Wolf: pb/]
- Secrets of the Wolf (New York: Love Spell, 1998) [Wolf: pb/]
individual titles
- Greenfire (New York: Dorchester Publishing/Leisure Books, 1990) as Saranne Hoover [pb/]
- A Talent for Love (Toronto, Ontario: Harlequin, 1990) [pb/]
- From the Mist (New York: Leisure Books, 1991) [pb/]
- The Enchanted Land (New York: Leisure Books, 1991) [pb/]
- Bewitched (Toronto, Ontario: Harlequin, 1992) [pb/]
- Awakening (New York: Love Spell, 1994) [pb/]
- Star-Crossed (New York: Love Spell, 1994) [pb/]
- On Wings of Love (New York: Love Spell, 1994) [pb/]
- Crystal Enchantment (New York: Love Spell, 1995) [pb/]
- Spell Bound (New York: Love Spell, 1996) [pb/]
- Starlight, Starbright (New York: Love Spell, 1999) [pb/John Ennis]
- The Magic of Two (New York: Love Spell, 1999) [pb/]
- The Sorceress & the Savage (New York: Love Spell, 2000) [pb/Winter]
- Internet Speculative Fiction Database
- "Futuristic Romances: An Annotated Bibliography of the Futuristic Romances Published by Leisure Books and Love Spell"
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