Dent, Guy
Entry updated 29 July 2023. Tagged: Author.
(1892-1954) UK author who served in various military capacities during and after World War One, initially in the East African Mounted Rifles from 10 August 1914 and in various other capacities including Flying Officer in the Royal Flying Corps from 2 March 1916. He is best known for his adventure stories in The Detective Magazine and elsewhere, none of them fantastic, many featuring animals in natural habitats. His one contribution to sf was Emperor of the If (1926), a Scientific Romance which describes two of the possible universes created by a disembodied brain in a laboratory (see Brain in a Box). In the first part – which is in effect an Alternate History – a past in which Britain never suffered from an Ice Age is superimposed on the present, with vivid descriptions of a London overrun by prehistoric flora and fauna; in the second the locale is a future Dystopia where humans exist under the domination of self-reproducing Machines. [JE/JC/MA]
see also: Evolution; Far Future; Superman.
Guy Herbert de Boisragon Dent
born Farnham, Surrey: 30 May 1892
died London: 3 July 1954
- Emperor of the If (London: William Heinemann, 1926) [hb/]
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