Dodge, H L
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1867-1946) Canadian-born author, naturalized as US citizen in 1908; his Lost Race novel, Attraction of the Compass; A Romance of the North (1912; exp vt Attraction of the Compass; Or, the Blonde Eskimo: A Romance of the North, Based Upon Facts of a Personal Experience 1916), features a Norse society in a clement enclave within the Arctic Circle. [JC]
Howard Louis Dodge
born Kentville, Nova Scotia: 9 February 1867
died Alaska: 21 April 1946
- Attraction of the Compass; A Romance of the North (Long Beach, California: Press of Dove and Courtney, 1912) [hb/]
- Attraction of the Compass; Or, the Blonde Eskimo: A Romance of the North, Based Upon Facts of a Personal Experience (Long Beach, California: Seaside Printing Co, 1916) [exp vt of the above: hb/]
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